Prologue: School -_-

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Souls Pov.

I'm your normal kid, yeah I can turn into a scythe. Totally normal. My names Soul Evans, but I like the to be called Soul Eater. There's this special academy for kids like me,The DWMA. Anyway I was walking to school with my Meister, Maka Albarn "Soul did you finish your homework?" "Homework is so uncool, so no I didn't" Maka gave me a -_- face and kept walking

Maka's pov

Ugh Soul can be so annoying, but I love him, yes I maka Albarn love soul eater (I'm sorry if you don't ship SoulxMaka but I do so ^^)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2015 ⏰

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