The Trip

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It was the start of spring break, everyone was excited for the trip to the Bahamas. Everyone had packed their things a few days before. Rene, Paola and I agreed to meet up at the airport at 6:00 A.M, Saturday morning. They went and bought a few snacks at the store. Paola loves to eat chips so she bought 3 different kinds. They were Doritos, Flamin' Hot Cheetos and Lays. Rene wasn't much of a food lover, but he did love chocolate like Hershey's, Kit-Kat, Musketeers and Milky way. We were sitting down in the waiting room, eating all the junk food they had just bought. As I heard the intercom calling the number of our plane, Rene saw on the TV that many accidents have happened with the planes recently. The news show was saying that the reason why so many planes have crashed in the past few days is because of "technical difficulties."

"Do you still think we should go on the plane, Brian?" Asked Rene.

"Yeah, everything will be fine Rene, just relax." I said.

"OK, if you say so." Rene replied back with uncertainty.

Around 8:00 A.M. everyone started to board the plane. Some of the passengers were toddlers sitting down with their parents. Paola hates kids and so she was annoyed with all their screaming, laughter, and loud noises. Some time later the captain of the plane started to announce that everyone should tighten their seat belts in a very alarmed voice. I knew something wasn't right so I demanded to know what was going on.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Sir, please sit down. We don't want to alarm anyone else." said one of the flight attendants.

"I will not sit down until you tell me what's going on!" I shouted.

'Hey, relax Brian, I'm sure it's nothing." Paola said.

I sat down worried, I kept thinking to myself I should have listened to Rene. Something wrong is happening. As time passed by it got worse, I felt turbulence on the plane as if it was about to crash. I was so scared, scared for the life of my friends and I. The lights on the plane turned off and Rene, Paola and I were scared to death. The plane drastically fell down, I could feel all the blood rushing through my body. I tried holding on to something, but the windows and sides of the plane started to rip apart. It all appeared like one of those crazy movies.

Boom!! Is all you could hear, my eyes shut close and all I could remember seeing is pitch black. I woke up with a head injury and a headache. All I could hear was a high tone ring in my ear. I looked around and all I saw was dead bodies and clothes that were hanging on trees. I tried getting up and started to slowly stand up on my feet. I tried finding my friends, but they were nowhere to be found. It seemed like I was a lone survivor. I was about to leave until I heard a noise, I searched and searched until I found Paola. I was so happy I wasn't the only one alive. We then started to look for a phone so we could call the police. We had found many, but their batteries were dead. Paola and I decided to look around, we were trying to hang on to the little hope we had left. We told each other if we don't find anything we would come back to the plane since there's food and some torn, musty blankets we could use for the night.

We walked on all these muddy roads and there were no footsteps, no car tracks, nothing. I had lost all hope, I felt like I was going to die there just like Rene did. I will always have that on my conscious. I killed MY best friend. While walking back to the plane I heard strange noises coming from the bushes behind these huge trees. Men with green and brown stripes on their faces with big swords in their hands popped out. I was terrified and so was Paola. We ran as fast as we could and we hid between these large pieces of wood that were underneath the dirt. Our first thought was they're going to kill us.

"Brian, they're going to kill us!" Paola said.

"Don't say that." I replied hoping it wasn't true.

We got out until we saw that everything was clear. We looked left, right, left and then ran back to the plane.

"That was a close one." I said.

Paola nodded still shaking from what had just happened. It had already turned night by the time we got to the plane. We gathered a pile of blankets and laid right next to each other until we fell asleep. The next morning while I lifted my head up I saw 5 guys just watching me. I freaked out and started screaming "please don't hurt us!" With my loud scream I had woken up Paola, she was just as scared as me.

"We're not here to hurt you." The strange men said.

"You're not?" I asked.

"Call us family, we want to help. We heard a loud noise, but we couldn't find where it came from."

"It was our plane!" I said.

"I knew you two weren't from around here. You guys weren't wearing the paint." The leader of the group said.

"Please help us, we want to go home." Paola said.

These strange looking guys had us follow them. It seemed like they knew their way around here. We went under this dark tunnel, almost like a cave. On the other side of the tunnel there was adults, kids and even huge houses. It seemed like home. One of the guys told Paola that she could go ahead and call home. I was surprised they even had phones or any type of communication outside of here. I was so anxious to hear what Paola had to say. She came outside with a bright smile on her face.

"Guess what Brian." Paola said.

"What?" I said.

"We're going home!" Paola said.

"Really?!" I asked with a huge smile on my face.

"You heard me. We're going home. They've been searching for us." Paola said.

"Why couldn't they find us?" I asked.

"They lost signal after the plane crashed. They weren't able to track us." Paola said with a slight frown.

"But they're coming right?!" I asked.

"Yes Brian!" said Paola. "Thank you for helping us. We're sorry for running away from you guys the other day."

"Yes, we're very sorry. We thought you guys were going to harm us."

"It's okay!" The leader said. "C'mon give me a hug."

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