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Bree’s POV

‘Run faster!’ He said... then there was no such sound but the whispers of the wind brushing the trees leafs in a husky heavy mid autumn, almost leaving the season… My legs couldn’t give more moves; in fact, I felt like nothing else mattered.

I should stay here and wait for the worst but… Would it be better for me? Or better for... Them? Just thoughtful until I felt a glimpse... A horrifying sound creaked through my ears... That’s when I noticed, I couldn’t stop my pace right there… He was there still looking for me, and I would never give him an easy fight, not even if I don’t have any choice, or escape, so I pulled off in a persecution run again, then the sound came again, but  closer, no crying allowed, he would track me instantly. I was slowing down; I was close to the carriag- ‘AGHH!’ There was the loudest scream I’ve heard in my life... He was right behind me... Like always... he found me. I never could run… escape… hide… he would find me anyway.

The 1910’s dresses were heavier than what you thought, this one was ripped off, shaded, dirty, soaked wet, but still.. I managed to turn around, then a shiver ran down my spine… there was he, Stunning at the actual full moon, his perfect bright eyes, messy bits of his hair in his face and his.. Perfect self, tall, thin contexture, he was there, looking at me with wide eyes, shivering lips, worried expression.

I wasn’t scared anymore, tensed, but never feared, I won’t be weak... He stared up at me, just inches distant... Getting in his fingers a strand of my hair off of my face gently, he made me stare into his deep dreamful gaze that I'd die to have… he pressed his forehead with mine, holding my hands tightly, then the sound began again… ‘Tum...Tumtrumtumtumtumtumtuumm…’ Some abrupt and violent screams and moans started to fill the stage of paranoia we were surrounded by.

"what was it?" I never knew what or who were those sounds from, they were just irritatingly loud, ear bleeding type, he shed a single tear but his expression still firmly held on, then he unexpectedly grabbed my face in his hands and just… kissed me strongly on my lips.. Then he just said ‘GO’.

*BZZ..BZZZZ..BZZZ-* ‘WAIT!!’ I screamed in the middle of th- the… Bed? Another dream... Every time closer... But so far away... I’m just waiting for this... Every night.


SO...... What'd you think? PLEASE COMMENT BELOW FOR THE LOVE OF 'PEANUTBUTTER AND JELLY LORDS' Give in ideas, or ANYTHING YOU WANT, lets see if you really want this to go on and become a big thing, lots of love. - Victoria(:

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