The Thirteenth Realm

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            In the beginning, the Thirteen Realms were created. Thirteen worlds that existed connected to one another, but never touching, never interacting.

            Chastity, a world with few cities and towns. Made almost completely of shrines, monasteries, and nunneries, it is a peaceful world of self-reflection. Conflict is rare in Chastity, for most people wish only to better themselves. A land of lush fields and valleys, it has little war.

            Life, a rich water bound realm with lot of bio diversity and completely dependent on the ocean. Its people can breathe both below and above water, due to the fact that their realm is more water than land. A beautiful, tropical land.

            Excess, a land of vice. Full of money, gambling, and other pursuits the other Realms look down upon. The people take to such things easily, and seemingly have no conscience.

            Tenshi, the world in the sky. Made entirely out of a series of floating islands, the realm of Tenshi is beautiful, floating amongst a sea of golden clouds. Its people have large feathered wings of all colors and hues. This place is a world where conflict is common, but war is not.

            Wild, the world of jungles. An endless sea of trees, the Realm of Wild is a lush and vibrant world. The people of wild are from many different tribes, all named after the animal the tribe resembles. While the tribes are humanoid in basic form, they are covered with fur or scales and have the reflexes of whatever animal the tribe has the characteristics of.

            Fortune, the land of luck. Here, luck is worshiped like a deity, and those with the most luck have the most political power. A world not unlike Chastity in appearance, Fortune has a completely different belief and power system.

            Astrea, the world of the stars. While Astrea, like most of the worlds, was quite beautiful and full of life, the attention of the people is not on the ground but in the sky. It is a world known for its love of the stars and the ability of the people to predict the future.

            Code Circuit, the world of technology. A world advanced far beyond any of the others, this land is not lush and green. The only greenery found within Code Circuit is found withing special greenhouses use to grow crops. This Realm is dedicated to research of anything and everything. Many of the people residing in this Realm have cybernetic enhancements replacing certain parts of their bodies.

            Stormpeak, the snowy mountain Realm. This is a Realm that holds physical strength in the highest regard. Everything, from leaders to peasants, is determined by a large tournament held throughout the Realm every year.

            Sistine, a world of Artisans. This splendid world values arts, dancing, singing, painting, sculpture, and all other fine arts above any form of currency. Art is the most valuable creation in this Realm, and everything considered art is instantly rendered priceless.

            Remnant , the world of ruins. Remnant has many terrains, from jungles to oceans to deserts. Each terrain is filled with ruins and artifact from the ancients of the Realm. The people of Remnant believe that knowledge of the past is the most valuable thing a person can possess.

            Niflheim, the desolate land. Niflheim has very little food or water, and is mainly a wasteland. The people fight hard just to survive, and the world is constantly torn by war over the meager resources. There is very little in the way of medicine or technology, and the people often die of starvation or dehydration over old age or illness.

            And the Core Realm, a mass of twisting pure energy. The energy contained in the Core Realm is neither good nor bad, it simply exists. A world of pure power, untouched and uninfluenced by mortal or immortal hands.

            In order to keep the balance between the Realms, all Realms except the Core Realm are gifted a Heart and a Gatekeeper. The Gatekeepers are given the ability to control travel in and out of their respective Realm. They can wander the Realm Web, the mysterious dimension that connects all of the Realms, freely.

            Hearts are the physical, mortal embodiment of the Realm. Each Heart is the epitome of what you would expect of the people of the Realm. If a Heart is killed before it is their time to die, the Realm experiences famine, drought, war, and calamity.  In order to prevent that, the Gatekeepers keep watch over the Hearts, protecting them from attack.

It occurred many years after the beginning of the Thirteen Realms, the betrayal that nearly caused the end of the delicate balance which kept chaos at bay. The horrible revelation to the Gatekeepers that even those amongst the group chosen to defend that delicate balance could lose themselves to the power offered by it. The Gatekeeper of a Realm of nothing, a wasteland where food and water were scarce and survival was nigh impossible. In this place the two traitors were born, the Gatekeeper and the Heart of a Realm torn by war and conflict over what little they had in the way of food and water.

            Perhaps in the beginning of what became betrayal, it was no more than a way to escape a hopeless situation. Perhaps it was no more than a wish for a better life. But what may have started out as an innocent wish became a hunger. A hunger for power, one that nearly destroyed the entire Realm Web, that nearly destroyed every Realm in existence.

            It pained the Gatekeepers, forced not only to seal away the two traitors, but the world in which they had been born. It had been the only way to be sure that the imbalance created by the loss of the Heart would not bleed into the other worlds, but the regret for having to condemn an entire Realm to exile tore at the hearts of the Gatekeepers.

            Despite the reservations of the Gatekeepers, the Realm was sealed away, cut off from all of the other worlds. Even the Gatekeepers themselves lost access to the Realm of Niflhiem. Eventually the story of the Twelfth Realm faded to legend, and from there to myth. But even though the Realm was forgotten, it did not die. It continued on, abandoned by its protectors, unknown to the world around it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2013 ⏰

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