new beginning

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Finally, I get to get a fresh start at my old school I didn't have any friends and was always teased. I'm so glad we moved out here to north Carolina a new beginning for me. My names kaddie if you didn't already know that.
*time skip*
First day at my new school lets hope its not like my old school. Woahh this school is huge I hope I can find my way around here and won't get lost.well my first class is gym not so bad. Of course I end up getting lost god I'm going to be late for gym.
"Are you lost?" I hear some one from behind me say I turn around and see a tall guy with brown hair and green eyes. "Yeah could you show me where the gym is" "sure and lucky you I have that class too my name is corey nice to meet you" "nice to meet you Corey and I really appreciate you showing me around" *gets to class* why are you to late the coach ask well I'm new and I got lost "okay next time don't be late" okay.
*coach blows the whistle*
Okay class were going to go to the track and run 2 laps.I finally get done with my laps then I see Corey playing basket ball with his friends and I try to join and there shocked I want to play. "What you've never seen a girl who likes to play basket ball??"
We have just your really good and the girls here don't play basket ball with us "well I guess that makes me one of the guys?" They all start laughing so do I we finish are game my team beats Corey's team. I walk to the locker room to get changed and all the girls are starring at me like I am a weirdo. "You should really stay away from my boyfriend if not there will be some problems" I here a girl say from behind me. "And who's your boyfriend?" "His name is Corey and I saw you hanging out with him don't get to buddybuddy with him got it."
"I got it but hun I don't want your man but doesn't look like you make him that happy anyway." She looks at me with that shocked face I smirk then go get changed so I can head to my next class. Hmm I wonder were science is, I finally find it and head into the classroom im greeted by a nice lady who I'm guessing is the teacher.*time skip*
Finally I finish the day as I'm walking home I hear some one yell my name I turn around and see Corey I wait for him to catch up with me.
"Heey kaddie"
"How was your day"
It was good except knowing no one and having no one to talk to
"Oh that sucks and I had fun at gym your a great basketball player"
Thanks but your girlfriend isn't to happy about me hanging out with you so maybe you should just stay away from me I don't want to get in the way of your relationship.
"Your not don't listen to her she's just jealous she doesn't like me hanging out with any other girl then her"
Well if you say so
"Yeah every one is talking about how you told her off its so funny"
Not my fault I mean you should be able to hang out with who you would like
"Yeah lol"
Well see you tommorow my house is here
"Okay I'll walk by in the morning to walk with you if that's okay."
Yeah sounds great
*time skip*
Finally I'm home I smell the sweet smell of Chinese take out I run down the stairs to see that my mom got Chinese food I screamed of happiness.
I eat fried rice and spicy meat with onions and also a egg roll and sweet and sour chicken.
After I finish I head up to my room to take a shower and get ready for bed.

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