Dear Karlie

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Dear Karlie.

So you're my partner for this project. I don't really want to do this, don't take offence to that but writing letters isn't really my thing. I prefer writing music if I'm honest. Maybe this is for the best though. None of my supposed friends talk to me much anymore and I spend my lunch in the music room writing music. I'm really antisocial and from what I've heard about you, you're the opposite, you're a model. That's mad. Is it fun? I always thought the fashion industry was cruel but I can see why you're a model because your picture is really pretty.

Anyway, don't mind me, I ramble. I'm supposed to tell you some things about myself. So here you go.
- I'm sixteen
- I have a brother called Austin
- I love cats.
But apart from that, I'm a very boring person. I can actually see why my friends don't like me that much thinking about it. You're probably more interesting than me. So the only reason I agreed to do this is to make some friends.

The teacher asked the entire class to do it but not many agreed: only five others agreed and of course we all got those looks. You probably don't get them because you're probably really cool but it's the look that says 'oh my god, you're such a nerd'. But I'm used to them. None of my friends spoke to me all lunch because it was 'uncool' to agree to write letters to a stranger. I wonder what they'll think when I tell them I writing with a model. One of them text me after school asking why I did it and I would include screenshots of what went down but I doubt you're actually interested. You're probably doing this because everyone has to. So I don't think many people will talk to me tomorrow. I'll just be by myself again, I might even sit with my little brother so I look like I have friends. But, then again, that isn't cool is it? I mean, what kind of loner sits with her sibling at school.

Anyway, I'll wrap this up here because I don't have anything more to say. I hope I haven't bored you too much...


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