Best Friends

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They met nearly ten years ago, the sun shone brightly, illuminating her lucious blonde hair, yet there was no warmth in the chill of winter. They were six when they met at the park, both ignoring the cold just so they could go and play. Small hands were coccooned in fluffy gloves and thick coats protected them from the brunt of the cold. It was funny how their friendship started, it started with a fight. In that little park there was only one swing and both of them loved it. Samantha Greene beat Lena Smythe to it by a few paces. She stuck her tongue out at the onyx haired girl behind her, Samantha had won and it made her feel good. Lena stared momentarily at the blonde cherub on her favourite ride and squealed in annoyance. She marched up to that girl and stopped the swing. Samantha was so caught up in her enjoyment and victory that she didn't see the other girl approach. Her first knowledge of the intruder was the floor racing up to meet her as she failed at regaining her balance.

Seeing the little blonde girl on the floor a flicker of guilt filled Lena, the poor little thing didn't deserve that. She rushed up to the girl and held out a hand to aid her to her feet.

"I sorry, I didn't want you to fall off." Samantha glared up at the girl who had caused the pain in her hands but took the proffered help regardless. As soon as she was back to her feet she pushed Lena slightly in retaliation befitting of her age. In responce Lena's icy blue eyes widened in surprise as she met the groud with a soft thump. And then they were both giggling. Lena looked up shyly at Samantha and sent a small smile.

"Hiya, I'm Lena" Samantha returned the smile and sat down next to the girl dark haired girl.

"I'm Sa-man-tha but you can call me Sammy." The longer name was hard for both young girls to pronounce so Lena happily acquised to the easier nickname. After that they were firmly friends, best friends. They were joined at the hip, night and day, light and dark.

They were both fourteen when Lena plucked up the courage to tell Sammy what had been on her mind for a while. For the first time in their eight years of friendship she was truly afraid of her best friends reaction. Both girls were resting against the large backboard of Lena's bed, although the curtains were opened very little light broke through.

"What's on your mind Lee?" A small giggle bubbled through Lena's nervouness at the question. Of course she wouldn't have being able to hide it for long, they had shared too much, they knew each other too well.

"I... do you remember that girl that came to school for that week but then randomly left?" Samantha cocked her head to the side in confusion as to the relevance but nodded nonetheless. "I thought she was really pretty, I thought she was prettier than I should have." Understanding flashed through Samantha as she figured out what her friend was getting at.

"You think you're lesbian Lena?" In response Lena barely nodded but they were so well attuned that Samantha noticed. She wrapped her arm around her friend's shoulders as she realised how scared she was to admit this.

"This doesn't change anything between us Lee. You're stuck with me whether you like girls and boys. Did you really doubt that?" The question made LEna realise how rediculously foolish she had actually been. How could she have doubted Samantha, the girl she had pushed off the swing, the girl who she held when she cried and who held her when she cried. She laughed as the tension left her. She relaxed against her best friend as everything settled back down as it should be.

And now, now they were sixteen and everything was exactly the same but completely different. Samantha and Lena were still best friends and Lena was still sttracted to girls but now she was well and truly confused. Even if she'd tried she couldn't have told you when her love for Samantha, her Sammy, had shifted from platonic to romantic. She couldn't tell you when she started to notice how her hair sparkled in sunlight and her chocolate eyes sparkled with happiness. She couldn't tell you when she;d started to notice how well different shirts accentuated her plump breasts and how delicately her hip curved. But alas it had happened and she was trying desperately to hide it. She was in the friendzone and she would rather stay firmly there than confess and lose the girl that meant everything to her.

She acted as they had always acted throughout time, hugging and touching, but now it was a bittersweet torture. She could never have guessed that her friend knew but everything, the whole situation came to head on a Friday night in winter. The ten year anniversary of their meeting.

They were having a sleepover, nothing new there. THey had them almost every other week or just randomly fell asleep at the other's house. They were as much their parents kids as they were each other's parents kids. So that night they walked home together, laughing about nothing in particular. Once they reached Samantha's house they both helped themselves to some coke from the fridge and plopped next to each other, turning the TV to some show they would probably never watch.

"Would you believe it, Ten years ago I didn't know you. I was just Lena and you were just Samantha." Both smiled softly as they wollowed in the memories. A giggle escaped Samantha as she remembered just how they had met.

"Well then Lena, Three cheers for ten years." And then Lena was no longer on the couch but on the floor as Sammy exploded in a fit of giggles. Lena's brow furrowed in confusion before she glared up at her friend who was barely breathing through her laughter. Lena placed her can on the table heavily so it made a sharp noise against the polished wood.And then she was on top of Samantha, her fingers all in the right places as she tickled Samantha until she was begging. There was light in both their eyes as they came down from the high. It struck Lena that they were in such an intimate position, she was straddled against samantha and their hips were almost touching. She could feel the blush rising as she started to disentangle herself. There was absolute silence in the room only broken by heavy breathing and the hum of the refrigerator.

Just as she was attempting to excricate herself from the situation tiny hands placed themselves on her hips effectively halting her movements. Her gave shifted to Samantha's in surprise. What on earth was happening? She was surprised to see Samantha staring at her intently, eyes dilated in the darkness. She had never looked so sexy before and it was painful. And yet she couldn't look away.

"You're not the only one in this room who finds girls attractive you know." Lena's eyes widened as the position took on new meaning. Was her friend saying what she thinks she was saying. She must be dreaming, but even so, liking girls wasn't particularly liking her. When Lena answered her voice was a hoarse whisper.

"Really, since when? Anyone in particular?" The smirk Lena was so accustomed to twisted it's way onto Samantha's lips. The look directly at her caused her stomach to turn in a delicious way and heat to flood her between her thighs.

"Well there's this one girl, she's pretty special, pretty gorgeous and she's clever as fuck yet she's sat straddling me but her lips are too far away." Oh but they weren't for long. Seconds later Lena had crashed her lips to Lena's in the best kiss she had ever experienced. THis was a wonderful way to celebrate ten years and she wouldn't change it for nothing.

That night was unlike any other sleepover they had ever experienced before. They talked and laughed as usual but between that they kissed and caressed until they fell asleep in each others arms.

Mrs Greene arrived home at around six in the morning from work. She pushed her heels off her feet, grabbed a small glass of wine before going up to her daughter's room. She pushed the door quietly before poking her head around. She smiled as she saw her daughter and the girl who was almost her daughter curled around each other. They both had a smile of complete contentment on their faces. And just as she was about to leave she heard the whispering murmerings of her daughter, "My Lena, I love you." She shut the door just as quietely before sending a short message to Mrs Smythe. All it read was - Finally. 

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