Hi Im Nikki Maxwell

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Hai Everybody I'm Nikki Maxwell And I'm a dork like every body says I am. I have a crush on this cute guy named Brandon uggghhhh he is so freaking cute SQQQUUUEEEE. But everytime I try to talk to him this girl named Mackenzie be's a idiot and comes into our conversation and embarrass me I just wanna punch her 😡. So let me tell you about Brandon : well he is SUPER CUTE !! He is very kind and caring 😉 I seriously wanna hug him🐻🙊 now onto the b*tch Mackenzie ugh she is : STUPID UNCARING A BITCH A FAKE GIRL AND A DORK🐙🐡 so onto the real story this is Nikki Maxwell And This is My Life And My Story 🐕🐺

Hey Baby Luffs I hope your enjoying this book so far sorry abt the cussing it just makes it. More interesting love y'all - Ellie / Ell

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