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Bridgeway high school popped up in big letters as we drove up to the school. My brother, Travis,was taking me to school. He's an ok big bro. We don't have little quarrels like the average teenage siblings. He's 19 and already in college. I miss him a little here and there but i guess its fine.He can take me to school since where he goes to school isn't so far off. " ok your here, get out of my car you little twit." " ok, ok." I threw him a stupid face and slammed the car door. He rolled down the window. " have an awesome,fabulous, magical day!" he screamed. I kept a straight face trying not to be embarrassed since everyone was looking.


When I got in the building I realized how much I really had to pee. I got to the bathroom and released my body fluids. I swear peeing is the best feeling after you've been holding it for a long time. I got out of the toilet area to wash my hands. I look in the mirror. I bore dark brown eyes with skin to match. My hair was pulled into a clip in the back. I'm pretty short for a 10 grader. 5'2 to be more elaborate. I realized what time it was. 1rst period was about to start! I ran down the mathematics hallway across the fine arts hallway and took a right down the science hallway. Our science teacher is really strict. If she closes the door and your not in class before the bell rings. You. Are. Screwed! I was just about to open the door before I tripped and fell. It was defiantly a gravity check but I think the cameras in the hallway say otherwise. As I fell epicly , my eyes fell on a beautiful pair of original jimmy choo pumpes. My heart fell because it could only belong to the one and only... Jessica Santhers.


Jessica Santhers is the most popular girl in school and is super über rich. Her dad owns an extremely wealthy car company. Like the cars that you couldn't afford in your life time! She's also the most meanest cruelest person in the school she's in kahoots with almost all the teachers ,so it's no use in asking them for help. "Oh hey there olive!" she said with a sarcastic and ridiculous pouty face. I glared at her cold gray eyes with her perfect gold hair wrapped in a bun. I wanted to jump up and kick her in the face karate style. We've been racking up points against each other since the 8th grade. I don't even know why we do anyways! "Jessica I told you time and time again. Stop using that name." I said now getting up. " well that's not a good way to greet a freind." "your not a friend!' I semi shouted. The bell started to ring. I tried to reach for the door but it was too late."well in that case..." she slammed the door in my face. I could hear Mrs. Greenwich calling names. I opened the door quitly. " Olivia! Nice to see you.please come and receive your detention slip and sit down." she said. My blood boiled as I walk to my seat. Jessica sat there beaming with a devilish face.  

Soon lunch time rolled around. My two best friends Hannah and Kristen sat at the round table with chick fa la ready and steaming hot for the three of us. Of corse Jessica would be having a sushi cheif bring her lunch. Hannah my bubbly Japanese flower and Kristen my awesome Cali raised sun drop. We were the best of friends and had a very large respect for one another. 

" oh did you hear? Issac is having a blow out end of the year party." Hannah stated. Wow~ issac Sulley the most beautiful boy in our school. his parents are Jewish but he was born in America. he's a true gentlemen and is also boy friend of ... Jessica Santhers.  

I wanna throw up cause I had to say it. We'be been friends since the 2nd grade. So have our parents he lives diagonally from me in my neighborhood. " he invited all of us you know!" she added. I wasn't surprised. I'm one of his closest friends. I saw him from the corner of my eye coming up to our table. " hey guys, was up." he said. " nothing much." I responded. He's a true gem. nice crisp semi curly dark brown hair and gorgeous sliver eyes. I tried not to drool over him as I admired his beauty. " so do you think you guys can make it to the party it's gonna be sick!" "dude, like tottaly!" Kristen responded. " cool" he was interrupted with the waving of Jessica calling him over for sushi. " that's my signal, see you chicks later." he said. " bye." we all said in unison. " I gotta go to that party. It looks like its gonna be the" kristen said with the most stupidest hand expressions. " I know right that would be the best night ever!" I said. I wasn't gonna let anything get in my way I had to go to that party.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2013 ⏰

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