Chapter Thirteen

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A/N I must warn you, I wrote this at 1am on Monday, and edited it at 3am on the Tuesday after, so everything's probably going to be made up of poor grammar (does that make sense? idk).

It had been a rough night on them all, even for the Minchester brothers, who'd finally returned from the 'haunted' apartment. Dan, Caspar, and the newly-found Phil had all left over an hour ago, but it wasn't until everything seemed to settle that Cam and Sean finally agreed that Joe wouldn't be making an appearance that night.

Finally picking himself up, both mentally and physically, Caspar had left his makeshift hideout under the bedcovers, and in the interest of returning the household to normality, had offered to prepare an admittedly late dinner.

As he stood in the centre of the kitchen, he confronted his first major barrier: Caspar had no idea how to cook.

The second issue presented itself once Caspar took a brief stocktake of the food supplies. Joe and Caspar had never been great at keeping their cupboards full of ingredients, but they certainly never let the situation grow this dire.

Gathering what he could find, he dropped the variety on the bench, sighing. A half bag of dried pasta, some eggs, milk, four boxes of various cereals, and leftover pizza that had already been picked over by an unknown culprit. The last time this kitchen had seen real food was probably back when Phil first snapped at Dan and Caspar's shared indifference. Nothing useful left now, though.

Pasta was really the only option, but there wasn't enough to go around between five, maybe six, people. Besides, it couldn't exactly be considered a 'meal' if it was just plain pasta, no sauces, no garnishes, nothing but probably overcooked fusilli.

Resorting to Plan B, Caspar turned away from the meager pile, and pulled out his phone.

"Dude, there's no food in this house."

Liam chuckled on the other end. "I'll be right over," he answered, hanging up. Caspar had already called him earlier, feeling the need to tell someone everything, but when he'd suggested Liam join them all for their weirdly late dinner, there'd been no promises of escaping his roommate's under-prepared house party. Apparently, circumstances changed, though. Caspar knew all about changing circumstances.

It was little under twenty minutes later that Liam was stumbling through the door, heaving in an effort to catch his breath, and his arms full of an assortment of groceries. Caspar grinned energetically, taking hold of Liam's arm and dragging him into the kitchen.

"Buy out the whole supermarket?" Caspar teased, helping unload the bags onto the bench, momentarily pausing for each to dig through them. There wasn't enough to warrant the comment under normal pretense, but having not eaten a proper meal in so long probably justified Caspar's wonderment.

"How long's it been since you offered to cook?" Liam asked, ignoring Caspar as he began to search every cupboard in the kitchen.

"Half an hour, maybe?" Caspar replied, turning and leaning back against the worktop, a lazy smile on his face. He watched as a Liam's face finally lit up upon opening the cupboard next to the oven, digging inside before raising a rectangular glass dish to eye height.

"Got it!" he cried jubilantly, knocking the cupboard door closed with his knee and setting the dish down. Spinning around wildly, Liam came to a full stop when he saw Caspar resting. "Oi!"

Liam snatched up Caspar's hand, pulling on it forcefully so that Caspar had no choice but to stumble away from the bench with a rush. Liam pushed Caspar in the direction of the the oven. "No time for slacking off, mate, we've got a job to do!"

Caspar groaned loudly, yet he couldn't help the smile that crept across his face with the annoyed sound. He was only just beginning to scrape the surface of Liam's personality, but so far, he liked what he saw.

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