Chapter Fifteen: Give you what you like

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Pacifica's POV:
3 weeks had passed and I know that parents will be back in a week. Me and were playing dares at the backyard when suddenly he notices how sad I am.
"Hey what's wrong?" He asked
"What? Oh, nothing"
"It doesn't look like nothing now tell me what's wrong?" He says and then puts his arm around my shoulder
"Well, its just that, my parents will be back in a week and..."
"And what?"
"And... I'm so afraid that they might take me away from you... Unless"
"Unless what?"
"Unless I have a child in my arms"
His eyes widened "what? Pacifica we're only 18! I'm not ready to do this I---"
"No dipper! I was thinking that we should adopt one so that they wouldn't take me away from you"
"And why shouldn't they?"
"Well, If they saw me carrying a child and also know that its mine, well. They would forget that I'm their daughter"
"What? Why?"
"Its a disgrace to the northwest family to have a child at such an early age."
"No, no pacifica, I wouldn't adopt a child if it would make your parents forget you..."
"Look, its okay dipper, I'm used to it. Besides I never felt their love for me anyways, in short, I never felt to be their daughter in the first place" I said then a tear fell on my cheek
Dipper wiped away my tear and tilted my head onto his so that I would face him "I will never abandon you like they did. I'll fight for you... I'll fight for us because I really love you" He smiled and he slowly leaned his face to mine and we gently kissed.
"I love you hubby"
"I love you wifey"

Mabel's POV:
I was walking along the neighborhood till I saw the northwest limousine I was shocked when pacifica's parents popped and then I ran straight to the shack and to them so that I would tell them the news.
"Guys!" I said running to them
"Hey mabel" dipper greeted
"So what's wrong?" Pacifica asked
"Your--- your parents... Your parents are here" I said while catching some air
"What?" Pacifica asked with a faint voice "this can't be happening" she said and stood up
"So, what are you guys gonna do?"
"Mabel, can you do us a favor of... Adopting a child?" Dipper asked
"What? But how should I know that he or she is the right one? And wait, no one gives birth in a month dummy!"
"Oh yeah... Oh god pacifica... Please, don't go!" Dipper said while hugging her
"Well that's the only solution to our problem..."
"Look, you don't want to be separeted. Why not do it on your own?" They looked at each other and I went inside.

Dipper's POV:
I looked at pacifica and I took her hand... I don't want to lose her and I don't want her to be pregnant in such an early age.
"Hubby we'll do it" she said
"Do you want me to go with them?"
"Then we'll do it" she said and then she started crying. I wiped her tears and kissed her then we went to the bedroom and then it happened...

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