Chapter Sixteen: I have a baby!

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Pacifica's POV:
I woke up early and went straight to the bathroom I took a pregnancy test and...
"DIPPER!!!" I shouted then dipper ran straight to the bathroom door, I opened it and he looked at me and I gave him the pregnancy test
"Positive?" He asked and I nodded he hugged me and carry me all around
"I'm gonna be a dad!" He shouted... Then someone knocked on the door. Dipper took me to his grunkle ford's lab so that I could hide there...

Dipper's POV:
I opened the door and I saw the northwests
"What are you doing here?" I asked
"Where's are daughter?"
"I don't know? Remember you took her away from me. So how should I suppose to know!" I said then they barged in. They went straight to the bedroom. I saw mabel fixing her hair and tied a ponytail
"What are they doing here?" I shrugged and searched for pacifica's bag... That's odd, I didn't see it there. They searched for pacifica and they failed.
"Well, it looks like pacifica isn't here" then they went out and got home I approached mabel and ask where pacifica's bag is
"Where's pacifica's bag"
"In my cabinet, I hid it there because I heared you talking to the northwests. So I acted quickly" I hugged her tight and she hugged me back...
"Thank you sis!"
"No prob bro-bro. Now, how's pacifica?" She breaks off the hug
"Well, I'm gonna be a dad"
"Woah really? O my god I'm gonna be an aunt! I'm so excited!"
"Yeah... Anyways, we're gonna go for ultrasound wanna come?"
"Yeah sure but I'll text gabe so that we could cancel our date"
"What? But I tought you stopped liking that guy?"
"Haven't you heard of second chances?"
"Yes, I've heard of it. But you shouldn't cancel your date with gabe. Don't let your love go just because of a little mistake."
"Okay, but let me know if its a boy or a girl?"
"Yeah sure."
Then I went down to go fetch pacifica. We got dressed and went for ultrasound (she's in a disguise)
"Hello sir, what can I do for you?"
"Umm we want to know if our child is a boy or a girl"
"Okay how many months pregnant?"
"Well just now"
"I'm sorry but we only allow ultrasound if its 5-7 months, you should come back afterwards"
"Okay, thanks anyways"
I went back to the car and told pacifica so we have to wait like 5-7 months...

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