~Rebel Child~

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My eyes opened into another world of swirls and patterns. I looked up to see my roof. plain and boreing exept for the one poster of "The Beatles" on it.

I hopped up from my lumpy bed and started walking around in my large room. I whent to the corner of the room and looked into a large mirror to see the damage my bed has done to my hair.

I looked into the mirror and I looked my self up and down. I was a girl, golden hair with a hint of brown at the ends. My hair was long yet short at the same time.

I had bright blue eyes that matched my personality perfectly and a great figure for a girl my age. I was 15 but it seems as if i was younger. I act like a child some times as my parents say.

I took the hair brush off of my dresser and started brushing my hair up and down to get every singe tangle out. As i was getting ready to start a new day. I walked into a small closet full of chlothes. I picked out one outfit. I picked out a small black shirt that only went down to my belly button, And a pair of shorts that were blue on the top and white on the bottom. And a pair of converse to top off the outit. I put on a fancy belt and headed out the door, to get to school.

I walked to school since it wasnt that far up the street. A red corvet pulled up beside me. A boy inside asked if i needed a ride. No one knew who i was since i was new in this town.

"Yeah sure." I said. I started smiling because i had just met a new person in this new town.

"Are you new, i have never seen you here?" he said. The boy has a very deep voice, black hair and brown eyes. he was hansom.

"Yeah, I just moved here from Miami, Florida. My name is Peyton."

"Hey peyton, I'm Jake, I have lived here all of my life and I cold show you around school today if you would like and introduce you to some people?"

"Yeah sure, I would love that!" I said.

We pulled into the school parking lot. I looked around and saw that the campus of the school was pretty big. So many people walking around on the grass. I looked at each one and noticed they all looked different. Some skaters, with skulls on their shirts and dark rings on there fingers. And some bright and colorful with rainbows on their shoes. Who knew that so many people in the same place could be so different. In my old school everyone wore the same clothes and talked the same way even though that was in Las Vegas and everyone there smoked and drinked. I'd hoped to change this year to be my own person.

We found a parking spot for the seniors and got out of the car when another car came driving down the street. Everything in time slowed down as the car was coming straight for me. I had no clue what to do when suddenly I was on the ground someone on top of me and the car that was coming for me had stopped a couple inches behind us. Jake looked me in the eye and said "are you okay?"

Out of breath and dizzy from my head hitting the sidewalk I spot out a "yeah, I'm fine."

He had layed there on top of me for a couple of seconds until someone came running out of the car yelling and screaming in hopes that I was okay.

A guy with dark hair cam running up to me as fast as he could from the car. He was really cute. As he got closer my head felt worse. When he was not even an inch away from me my head felt like a bag of bricks and my eyes could not stay open any longer.

I laid there on the ground motionless and in a pit of nothing.

I heard screaming, coming from the other end if me. Everyone if nervous that something had happened to me. Even I was nervous.

~2 hours later~

I woke up in the nurses office. Surrounded by people. Jake and some other people I did not know.

I sat up. Dizzy and confused.

"Where am I?" I asked.


Hey guizzzzzz, this is the first chapter if my story I hope you like it.

I think I might call my readers "the rebels" if you have any dissagremants and any suggestions comment bellow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2013 ⏰

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