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Hannah my email
Hannah's POV:
I'm walking home from my ex-boyfriend's house after he just hit me and abused me. All I remember from last night was him hitting me and pain, then I passed out. I woke up a few hours ago on the hardwood floor, in a puddle of dried blood, and Louis had gone to work all ready. Right now, I can feel that I have a few broken ribs and my arm really hurts from where Louis threw me against the wall. I also have a massive headache and I can feel that I'm bleeding all over. I'm almost to my house when I start to see black dots form in my eyes and my eyes keep trying to close. I walk a little bit more, until I literally can't walk anymore and pass out beside a park bench.

Niall's POV:
I'm on my way home from the pub, when I see someone lying on the ground passed out. Of course my first though is that the person just has a bit too much to drink, but none the less, I go over and check them to make sure they are okay. I walk over, and I see that it's a young woman passed out. I get to her and see that it's not just any girl, but Hannah! Hannah and I were high school sweethearts, but we broke up when she met a guy named Louis. I haven't seen her since a few years and I'm really sad to see her this way. She didn't have a little too much to drink tonight. Instead, it's much worse. She has cuts and bruises all over her and I can see that her arm looks broken. She looks like someone beat her up and just left her to die.
I gently move her a bit, being careful of her neck and back in case I hurt her even more, and I feel for a pulse. I can feel a weak pulse, but at least it's there. I let out a breath of relief that she's alive, but then realize that I have to get her to a hospital quickly. I carefully lift her up and carry her in my arms to the nearest hospital. When I get there, I call out, "Hey, can I get some help here?" A young looking nurse and doctor sees me and run over with a stretcher. "What happened to her?" the nurse asks. "I don't know what actually happened to her. I just found her outside passed out by a park bench and recognized her. She had a pulse when I found her, but looked like she had more injuries, so I brought her here. Her name is Hannah, and she's a really good friend of mine. Please help her", I tell them and they roll my unconscious friend to the back. I then decide to stay in the waiting room and to wait until I hear anything on her condition. I don't know what it is, but it feels like this was fate. As horrible of a situation this is, it's like I was supposed to find her and help her. I feel like she needs me and that it's my responsibility to take care of her. I sit in one of the chairs in the waiting room and lay my head back and soon, sleep overtakes me.
Louis' POV:
I'm on my shift at the hospital with a major hangover. I got a little drunk last night and I don't really remember what happened. I know that when I woke up this morning, I saw Hannah on the ground sleeping. I didn't have much time to actually check and make sure she was okay because I was late for work, but just told myself that I'd check it out when I got home. I mean, we technically aren't even together anymore anyway, so she's not my problem to worry about. We broke up months ago and now she just comes over every so often for a casual fuck and off she goes. I don't mind it at all. I get all the benefits of having a girlfriend, without the drama of a girlfriend. Although, I really can't remember what I did last night, and I know that I kind of get violent when I'm drunk. I hope I didn't do anything that I'd regret.
As I'm thinking about this, I get a call from the ER saying that they need me right away. I run down there and see a young girl on a stretcher. I yell out, "What we got?" and get a little bit closer to see the patient. "Young female, came in with major cuts and abrasions on her arms, legs, and torso. Broken arm as well as multiple broken ribs. Possible concussion, possible spinal", I hear a nurse say and I stop and look at the patient. OMG! It's Hannah! What happened to her? Did I do this? I must have done this! I did this! I can't believe I did this to her!
All these thoughts run through my head as I just look at her. "Dr. Tomlinson! Louis!" I hear one of the nurses yelling at me and I snap out of my thoughts. "What?" "I said, we need to get her to radiology. She needs x-rays and a CAT scan for her concussion. I need you to authorize it". I agree and authorize it, then go on down to radiology with her. We get x-rays of her arm and ribs, as well as a CAT scan of her head, and see that she's broken her arm and 3 ribs, and has a minor concussion, but nothing too major. I then set her arm and ribs and wrap them up in a cast, so they don't get hurt any more. I clean and bandage her wounds and give her some painkillers in the IV one of the nurses already put in her.
As I'm doing this, a nurse comes in and tells me that there a guy waiting in the waiting room to see if she's okay and that he's the one who found her and brought her in. I walk out to the waiting room and see the guy. I recognize him instantly as Hannah's old high school sweetheart, but I don't think he realizes who I am. Good. I walk over to him and say, "Hi, I'm Dr. Tomlinson. You were the one who found her?" I ask him. "Yeah, umm, I'm Niall. I found her passed out by a park bench. Is Hannah okay?" he asks me and I answer, "She should be fine. There were a few broken bones, and scrapes, but she'll heal. How do you know her name?" I ask him pretending to be dumb and not know who he is. "Oh, um we used to date. Do you think I can go see her now?" "Yeah, um follow me". I lead the man to Hannah's room and I see him sit in the chair next to her, take her hand and give it a kiss. Of course, my mind starts to go a mile a minute about the fact that this is Hannah's ex-boyfriend and the fact that he looks like he still loves her, makes me mad and jealous of him.
Even though Hannah and I have been broken up for months, seeing someone like this with her makes me mad. I leave the room before I can do something I'll regret later, and head out for my lunch. I immediately go straight to the local liquor store and buy a 6 pack of beer, even though I could lose my job if I'm caught drinking while on the clock or go back drunk. I drink all 6 beers, throw on some aftershave to mask the smell of alcohol and head back to work. When I get back, I go to Hannah's room and I see Niall nowhere to be found, but Hannah sleeping peacefully. Because I'm drunk now, I get mad at Hannah, and even though she's in the hospital, hurt already by me, I take a scalpel and I cut her stomach. Not enough that she'll bleed out, but enough that she'll be hurt and she'll feel it for a little while. I walked away and leave her to be found by another doctor or her ex-boyfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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