Chapter One

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"The Ignis-" a baby with the beautiful golden eyes was raised, so the huge crowd could see. They cheered loudly. "The Ingenium-" a baby with breath taking violet eyes was raised by another woman, next to the first. The crowd cheered again. "And finally— the Galaxia!" A baby with amazing metallic blue eyes was raised. The crowd cheered harder than ever.

"These girls will be given to the most trustworthy Lunars of our kind— Ara, Arcturus and Cygnus!"

The crowd cheered more. "The Ignis is named Auriga. In the mortal world...Sara! The Ingenium is named Andromeda. In the mortal world...Vanessa! The Galaxia is named Corvus. In the mortal world...Raven!" The crowd cheered for the last time.

"Please, give your blessings and best wishes to these three beautiful little newborns. We shall bless you with the power of lightning, valē." The entire room (200,490,567 people) raised their hands up. They waved their hands around, different colors emitting from their hands. No colors were the same.

"The golden girl has the powers of one hundred Roman warriors, the fire kneeling in her presence. The violet girl has the powers Mother Nature, plants looking up to her like a queen. The last girl, the most powerful of all. More powerful than Zeus and Merlin, she rules over the Galaxy." They chanted.


"C'mon! Hurry up, Auriga, Andromeda!" Raven laughed. She pushed up her big nerdy horn-rimmed glasses up on her nose, smiling.

"Ugh, hold on Corvus! Jake just texted..." Andromeda put one finger up, then typing quickly on her phone. "You're always on your phone 'Dormeda!" Sara giggled, pulling the phone out of Vanessa's hands. Vanessa huffed. "Give it back, you two!" She growled.

Sara threw the phone to Raven. Raven touched the tip of her index finger to the phone her eyes glowing bright blue. A second the later the phone disappeared from her hands, gone. Her eyes stopped glowing.

"You did not." Vanessa hissed. Sara howled of laughter now. Raven chuckled, her eyes glowing again. "Hold your hands out Andromeda." Vanessa did. Raven stared at her best friends hands for a second, the phone back in Vanessa's hand, good as new.

"How'd you do that already? Cygnus didn't learn how to make things disappear and reappear until she was 37! And you're only fifteen!" Sara exclaimed. "You should pick up a book once in a while." Raven said smugly, shrugging. "Oh shut it. I read EBooks!" Vanessa frowned. "That's just sad. Technology corrupted everyone! Hannah looked on her weather app to check if it was sunny or raining, and she was like three feet away from the stupid window." Raven ranted.

They didn't say anything then. It was silent as Raven got an idea. " Let's go to the cafe. We haven't been there a while. I feel bad, Millie and I were just becoming to be friends."

Sara and Vanessa agreed. They walked to Millie's Cafe in silence. They pushed open the door, greeted by about thirteen people. "It's not very busy." Raven whispered to the others. They nodded. They walked up to the counter. "Hey Millie!" Raven greeted a pretty brown haired girl behind the counter.

"Hey Raven, Sara, Vanessa! Haven't visited in a while. I was starting think I did something!" She laughed. Raven laughed, shaking her head. "Nah, you didn't. Just busy, ya know? Exams and tests blah blah blah." Sara smiled.

Millie's eyes wandered to their necklaces. They were each identical, but different colors. They were also glowing, the lights as bright as a star. " Those are pretty. Where'd you get them?" Millie asked. Raven, Sara and Vanessa exchanged worried glances. " was handmade for" Sara stuttered. "Oh." Was all Millie replied.

Those necklaces were very important. They were the only thing keeping their powers in control when they feel strong emotions. For example, someone makes one of them angry. Without the necklaces, the person could be strangled to death with vines, burnt to crisps, or be erased from existence, no mortal remembering that person.

Of course, they got the necklaces just last year, when the powers matured.

They were all talking and laughing. That is until Vanessa spotted someone. Someone with a mysterious cloak ran passed the cafe window. They all spotted the mysterious figure by now. This was worrying. Why? Because the black gem attached to the cloak was glowing harder then ever.

I hope you liked this first chapter! Just for all of you that are wondering, the confusing words are constellations and Greek or Latin words. Here are the translations:

Ignis: Fire
Ingenium: Nature
Galaxia: Galaxy
Ara (Arae): Altar
Arcturus: Bear Guard
Cygnus: Swan
Auriga: The charioteer
Andromeda: Ethiopian Princess
Corvus: The raven, or the crow

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2015 ⏰

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