Understanding the Lies

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Understanding the Lies

"Young Jonathon hurry up please," the impatient voice of Victor spoke from the lounge.

"Yes sir, my deepest apologies," I said as I handed Victor the tea and saucer.

"Mhm," replied Victor. He took the tea and went straight back to his work dismissing me.​

I never knew what Victor was up to, and I wasn't ever going to ask questions. It just seemed so secretive. He was a very lonely man. He sat at his desk during the day, going through endless amounts of paper, trying to figure out measurements and brainstorming ideas. Samuel and I never found out what he was doing though. However, we tried drawing countless amounts of conclusions from the many things Victor has had us do. Just last week he had Samuel go out to the cemetery just down the road and steal two arms and a leg. The rotten stench that reeked through the house stayed there for days on end it was horrible, disgusting, but Victor was too focused on something, something too big for us petty servants to understand, he told Samuel.

My name is Jonathon Richards, and my 16th birthday was last week, last Monday to be exact. I'm a servant for Victor Frankenstein. My family is the Richards family, known as one of the poorest in all of Ingolstadt. I'd been sent away to work for Victor, so that my family would at least be able to eat.

After serving Victor I went to his headquarters, where Samuel and myself prepared his bed, the room is always freezing cold; just the way Victor liked it. I once had the guts to ask why and I was surprised with Victor's answer. He said that he was preserving something. That's the only information I'd ever been given. Victor had a strict routine, which he never broke. He didn't sleep much, which meant we didn't either. Victor would rise from sleep at the hour of 5 and wouldn't sleep again for 15 hours. He spent 10 of those hours a day in the lounge, planning something, ordering Samuel and myself around. He has only sent Samuel out grave robbing once.

There was a boy named Thomas who  with Samuel and I a couple of years ago. He was the youngest out of us, only 14 years of age. Thomas got sent off one night by Victor to go collect something's, which we believe were body parts. We never saw them, so we have no evidence but the same disgusting smell lingered the house for days. We never saw Thomas again after he returned; he just disappeared, vanished of the face of the earth. We asked Victor where he was but he ignored us every single time, there was just no use in us even trying.

Victor was in bed not long after Samuel and myself had finished. Before he went to bed he went down to the chamber beneath the house. He goes there every night before bed for about and hour or two, but tonight was different. He spent much longer up there and came to bed later, with a satisfied smile. Yes a smile. Never have I ever seen Victor Frankenstein smile. It was odd, and I needed to find out what had caused it and I knew that tonight was the night.
Samuel knew what was going on, I told him. He knew that tonight I was risking it all just to find out the truth. The truth that had been lying behind those chamber doors for years now. Tonight the truth would be known.
​I stood outside those huge dark and shadowed doors, scared yet excited to find out what lay behind them. I winced slightly at the creaking doors, echoing through the hall behind me, and I was met with a room equally as dark as the long, narrow corridor. I took heavy steps; the only noise heard being the tapping of my shoes against the floor.

I was careful not to let the sudden gust of wind that shot at me when I opened the door blow out the delicate fire that was held in the form of a candle. I took gently footsteps towards what lay on the metal table in front of me.  I was shocked, yet not surprised when I saw what was beneath the blood stained sheet. Victor Frankenstein was not the man I thought he was.

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