war of minds

234 3 1

falling in love is not an easy task

for; you have so many challenges to surpass

to the point that all you can do is ask

if you can pursue the love or just let it pass


if you choose to pursue, you can feel the happiness

but there will always be the risk of sadness

cause love is a gamble

it's never been sure that you can take it all


if you choose to let it pass

the regrets will comes next

cause true love comes only once

and it may not give second chance


Now there's this something that's bothering me

should i accept the love and let it be?

or continue my life like i do not see?

cause there's this greatest fears inside me

that i may do something that i don't want to

and can't do the things that i have to


half of me says i want you to stay forever

but, part of me says; i have to get this over

because of the risk that i may love you deeper

and can't take my step away from you forever


so, while looking for the answers

I want to ask you this favor

be with me; let us be together

hold my hands, show me the answer

if i should make you stay

or take my step away

my poemsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon