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'Yes,I am ready to take the interviews' I told my assistant as i scribbled on the notepad.

There are no mistakes in life,just lessons; and i learned it through sixty years of experience.I am Jane,Director and owner of a prospering company,age sixty and still counting.I lived fifty years of my life just as a normal person does,building a family.I had an amazing soul mate and two sons.Everything was idyllic.I still remember those awing days of 1920's.The streets of France used to be filled with sweet smell of freshly baked bread in the mornings.There was no specific occasion for which one used to dress elegantly,dressing elegantly was inveterate.Women used to wear those straight,loose,knee-length dresses and yes of coarse those bucket hats,Ah i used to love them.How they perfectly adjusted on the head was so satisfying.Style and fashion used to roam the streets.

People used to be so jolly.The cinemas those days used to be filled with people.I vividly remember,going to the cinema to watch Charlie Chaplin's first movie 'The Gold Rush'.Dave and Ryan (my sons) were jumping with excitement during the whole way to the cinema.Well those were the best kind of days.But then suddenly everything changed.Dave and Ryan left me and Carl (my husband).It was really shocking for both of us but as the saying goes 'Expect the unexpected'.Carl also left me a year after,right on my fiftieth birthday.

Gaining back my strength took me some months but now i stand as a powerful woman.My company was short of talented and creative people,that's why today I was taking interviews.I talked to almost ten to twelve people and selected five out of them.I was happy with the people i chose but there was something mischievous about one of them.A middle aged man about thirty-five named Dylan.From the appearance he looked like a hardcore but i thought to myself that i shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.My days passed by as per my routine; waking up early in the morning,taking my breakfast,then going to the cliff near my Bungalow,where I meditate everyday for fifteen minutes to wash out the stress.After that I used to get ready for the office.Most of my day was spent working and keeping an eye on Dylan .Even though,Dylan was doing a really good job,but my sixth sense kept alarming me about him.

One day,as I woke up I had a severe migraine and therefore I had to skip going to the office.I took my breakfast and medicine and laid in bed for two hours,after that I went for a little walk.The cliff was the most peaceful place,as nobody used to come here.I sat right on the edge and relished nature.The warm sun rays falling on my face,made me feel a lot better.The sky was brilliant blue ,for a while i almost forgot about my loneliness.I was enjoying every moment when suddenly i heard a scream.The scream was so high-pitched that it vibrated each and every fiber of my being.I got up immediately.I saw some movement behind the bush. As i approached the bush,I saw a small girl about seven sitting on the ground,startled.As i came even nearer the bush,I saw Dylan with a dagger in his hand,mercilessly stabbing a man,which appeared to be the girl's father.I swallowed the scream that i was going to burst out and in a second got hold of the girl and ran away from the site.I ran all the way to my house,with the little girl in my hands.That incident was completely terrifying.The little girl and I were completely shaken by the incident.I after thinking for hours decided to keep the girl.The little girl, named Samantha was the only daughter of the man who was murdered and after further investigation she told me that there was no other member of her family,this gave me a green signal to keep her and take care of her.

I was so selfish that i decided and promised myself to keep my mouth shut about the incident so that no one will take Samantha away from me.I thought i will bury this secret with me.Well my days changed after i took Samantha in, she became the reason of my happiness even though the little girl kept on asking about her father,i never uttered a word.But there was this guilt inside me that wounded me badly.Dylan was still working in my company.I felt a storm of emotions inside me whenever i would see him.I wanted to kill him,tell it all to the police but then i thought of Samantha and hushed myself up.I started giving more time to Samantha.I love her so much that i started giving no attention to the company,which led to the decline in the progress of my company and finally my company tumbled into pieces.My wealth,company,property almost everything was taken away from me.Our bad days started.

There were times when Samantha and I had nothing to eat.I felt really guilty because i blamed myself for it all.If i would have never employed Dylan,if i would have not seen him murdering,if i would have never taken Samantha to the house,it would have never happened.I died everyday as i saw Samantha suffering.I tried a lot to change our condition but my old bones weren't able to work anymore.I became really weak.But i never lost hope.Expectancy is the atmosphere for miracles and this is what happened.As i was walking by a store I saw a picture of little Samantha on TV.It was written that this girl is needed because before dying her father left her a great fortune.I was struck with surprise.I leaped with excitement and rushed to the little cottage where Samantha and I were living.I told her about the news.She burst into tears,both of joy and sadness.I couldn't take it anymore,I couldn't keep the secret anymore,all these five years I saw her dying just to know who killed her father.Therefore,i decided to confess it not only to her but the police as well.I went to the police station and told them everything.I thought about it for hours and realized i was wrong all along, i was wrong that i will be able to keep this secret with me forever,I was wrong that i will be able to bury it with myself.I finally opened up about it.

I thought, now that the truth has been spoken,Samantha will hate me but i was wrong once again.She was happy that i told the truth and she even insisted that i live with her.I didn't want to but she demanded continually that i stay.I felt so relieved after telling it. I was as light as a cloud,drifting freely in the wind.Now that i look back on my life, i see pain,mistakes and heartaches but when i look in the mirror i see strength,learned lessons and pride in myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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