Chapter 10

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Did I actually just faint? That's so embarrassing! I'm Not some girly dude who faints whenever shit gets real. 

I was only unconscious for a minute or two, but it seems like things have calmed down on the boat. Robin was sitting by Zayn helping him with the bruise that was now forming on his face. Liam was sitting beside me with his arms crossed. I'm not sure he's too happy with me. And Louis was sitting by Robin.

"So...." I mumble, sitting up. Everyones heads turn towards me. Zayn glares at me. 

"Zayn, I'm sorry for punching you. But I'm not sorry for kissing Robin. I like her. I just wanted to have a few moments of happiness okay?"

"I don't want to hear it Harry." He snaps. I've never seen so much hatred in someone's eyes before. Could Zayn actually hate me? 


"Fuck you Harry" Robin says. 

"What do yo-"

"Is it fucking true Harry?! You only want to get in my pants? I can't believe I actually kissed you! It should of been you instead of Niall" She spits. She turns and goes over to Zayn before I can say anything.

It should of been me though.. everyone hates me. Well I still have my bestfriends Louis and Liam, right? 

"Louis, Liam do you guys hate me?" I ask.

"I don't hate you Harry. I'm not sure I like you too much though. You kissed Robin, punched Zayn, lied to us all." Says Louis.

"Liam?" I plead.

He tries not to meet my eyes. 

"I don't hate you Harry. I think you need to make up with everyone though. It's no use fighting with them when we're in the middle of nowhere. They're your bestfriends"

"But I like Robin, and I don't think I can control those feelings" I tell him.

"You're going to have to if you want to be friends with Zayn again"

"He even agreed with me that we woulden't fight over Robin!"  I say.

He just shrugs before turning and talking to Louis. I sigh and put my head in my hands. 

I have to make a choice. Either lose my friends and be with Robin or keep my friends and lose the girl I possible may be falling inlove with. I glance over at Robin and see that she's fallen asleep on Zayn's shoulder. After Zayn see's me staring he gives me a smug look. What a ass!

That's it. I choose Robin. I flip Zayn the finger. He responds by pointing to Robin then mimicks thrusting her. If only she knew what he was doing. I start coughing loudly to wake her so she can see what he's doing. 

She slowly flutters open her eyes and see's Zayn thrusting. 

"What are you doing?!"

He jumps at her voice and coughs nervously. 

"I was stretching.." He mumbles. She gives him a look, obviously not believing his excuse but brushes it off as her eyes flip to mine. I motion her to come here so I can talk to her. She slowly nods and gets up and wanders over before sitting beside me.

"Robin, before you say anything, I just want you know that I was never trying to 'Get in your pants'. I actually really like you. You're so beautiful and so kind-hearted, caring, cute, funny and just perfect in every way. I may even sorta, maybe, completely be falling in love with you darling"

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