The Four Evolutioners

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Chapter 1)

Well hey there to anyone that's reading this :) so far no one. But hey, never know...imagination take us away :P

“Dude! Selena! Cut it out!” Shane mumbled slumping forward in his school desk. “Why do I always have to catch you spacing off and watching Bug-Z?” He swept his arm over the desk and knocked his notebooks and folder to the ground. His pencil casually rolled on to the floor to the teachers foot,who in turn narrowed her eyes at him.   

Selena sighed. Okay, she knew she had issues on staring at Zach occasionally in class...O.K. maybe a lot. But why did Shane always have to nag her about it? She chuckled at the memories of him looking her way in the middle of homeroom and seconds later a fire sparking in his eyes and his pencil snapping. Her and Shane had been friends since they were both toddlers and if you looked up the word overprotective in the dictionary, Shane’s face would be plastered there.   

“CHARLES,” Selena grinned knowing Shane hated his real name, just as the other friends of their tight knit group disliked their birth names as well. Swiveling her eyes back to Zach for the remainder of class. She inwardly groaned, this crush on Zachary Burg was crossing a line for her ego. Zach was tall, lank, yet slightly muscular but not bulky. He usually wore black flannel and dark plaid shirts with crisp gray jeans or skinny jeans. His dark, sapphire  blue eyes were shaded with jet black wavy hair that insisted on ALMOST covering his eyes. Every school girl that has a crush on him always admit it’s the eyes and face that pull them in.

She shook her head, causing her short, shaggy, black hair to go in her face. The bell rang and Selena could feel Zach's eyes on her as she and Shane bolted out of homeroom to start the day. Jumping on desks and crashing into people. It was their annual 'get hyped up Monday' resolution. "NOT AGAIN!!" Mrs.Phinks yelled after their trail of fallen students, paper on the floor, and a smiling Zach.

"Yo, bro!" Selena moonwalked her way to Shane's locker, earning her a chuckle outta him."Why do you have to call Zach that stupid nickname!?" She poked a finger on his chest, huffing and leaning against the neighboring locker."Dude...Night" She straightened up as he used her nickname. "What!?" He grabbed a plain blue sweatshirt from his locker and raked his hand through his sandy blonde hair.

"He deserves it. He's...annoying." Selena sighed and crossed her arms, like a police officer ticked off by a DWI. "Oh cmon! I'd hate that name too! Call him ZACH!"






"HOLY FRIPPEN COWS...MOTHER OF ALL..." She narrowed her eyes at him and huffed again. "What did he ever do to get on your Teen Dweeb list??"

"Hey! He totally made me start that whole thing!" Smiling and closing his red locker he added, "He's just a punk, O.K. Night?" Shane walked away from a bewildered Selena, apparently rooted to the spot. His smile instantly fell as he turned the corner. She always looks so cute when she gets frusterated, he mused. Remembering how much he wanted to hug her and tell her everything, when her blonde highlighted, black hair streaked across her cheeks and her silver cloudy eyes flashed. I'm too much of a coward ...hanging his head he muttered dryly, "If only you knew, Night. If only."

Strutting to class, Night didn't notice the group of gang bangers wandering close behind her. Pretty soon she was almost at her class. Looking behind her she saw them and decided to take a slight detour so she headed down the hall toward the wood shop classes. They had her cornered there...SHIT. She spun around quickly, "What the heck do you want?" In reponse she got a rough shove againt the wall and a punch to the stomach. Her binders fell to the ground and papers scattered. They timed it perfectly, they were in the secluded wood shop hall where only one class was in sesion. Selena collected herself and aimed a punch at the pretty blondes plastic face. There was a crack and she shrieked. The other Barbies stared death at me, "YOUR DEAD FREAK!!!"

Selena stared right back at them and replied calmy, ""

"What the hell??" Like a deer in the headlights all of they're eyes widened and they turned to the wood shop class where Zach stood in the door frame. Selena let out a breathe of relief and relaxed.

The slutty barbies smiled flirtatiously and winked, "Haiiiii Zach!" and ran for it. While Selena grimaced and began trying to find her crap scattered all over the hall. "Here lemme help?" Zach smiled at her. When they collected all of the papers he looked at one, which just happened to be a grade report. "Seems like your quiete academical." Eyeing her, she yelped and grabbed for it, but he put his arm higher in the air so she couldn't her grade report. "Gimme my grades boi." She warned giving him a death stare. "Seems like your being kinna judgemental," she noted sticking her tongue out at him, "Thinking I don't care about my grades just cuz of how I act or look like." She decided she didn't need the useless paper anymore and began walking to class.

"Hey, hey, hey." He said gently, "I didn't mean anything like that, don't jump to conclusions smart one. It's a very good thing to excell in." Zach smiled at her and Selena wrinkled her nose, "Your a creep.." She laughed and jogged down the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2011 ⏰

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