my name is kelley, i am a super hero. i have the power of mindcontrol, levatation, flying, and x-ray eyes. i am in a band a super heros containing 7 other super heros named jordan, emma, zayn, harry,niall,liam, louis. we all have varring powers.
ring. ring.
"the slof phone is ringing," emma shouted
i immeadiatly started loudly singing, "THE PHONE, THE PHONE IS RINGING."
emma answered the phone, "hello whats your emergency?"
*loud scream-crying*
"well be over there soon," emma answered in a calm collect tone
every one was down stairs in a matter of seconds thanks to the fire man poles that were my idea.
"suit up guys we got to go" emma stated, shes always so calm in these situations
we all darted out side "up up and away!" jordan shouted
"JORDAN," lou wined, "im superman not you!
"GUYS WHERE ON THE JOB ITS NOT THE TIME TO PLAY AROUND LOU!" liam shouted as we landed at the crime scene, leave it to him and emma to be the responcible ones.
"Zaltar i new you would be the cause of this" harry stated through clenched teeth
"I defeat you and the rest of the leauge of awesome this time with my new evil weapon!" Zaltar and his hench man voldamort cackeled evily
"NEVER", i screamed "BP CODE A" (A/N bp code a means battle plan code a)
we all took off flying into action. we all made our way to our teams but harry emma and jordan got stuck in a tractor beam then thrown into a glass heart cage. they where wipped for us while we tryed to take down the evil machine.
i threw a bomb at zaltar and his left arm blew off. he then opened a vortex and chucked a frozed harry jorden and emma inside along with his hench men and escaped.
I ran to zayn who was now on the ground, "its all my fault, he took!" i screamed cried through sobs on zayns chest.
"it's okay babe, well get em back." he wispered is my ear kissing me on the cheek and lifting me up bridal style. we all flew back home, zayn cradeling me close to his chest as we flew. "well find them tomorrow, just go to sleep now," zayn wispered in my ear as he layed me on the bed .