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Excuse any mistakes

Yn's P.O.V
I was asleep with my husband Eric's arms wrapped firmly around my waist. I silently started to gag that's when I jumped up and ran to the bathroom,bent over the toilet,and started to throw up.

Yn:*throwing up*

Eazy:*runs to the bathroom and holds your hair back*baby you ok?

Yn:*gets some tissue and wipes your mouth*yeah*puts the tissue in the toilet and flushes it*im fine*gets up and starts to brush your teeth*

Eazy:what happened?

Yn:I don't know*brushing your teeth* when I was laying down I started gagging and I ran to the bathroom and threw up...

Eazy:damn . You wanna go the clinic ?

Yn:*gargling mouthwash and shakes your head no*

Eazy:too bad. You goin' anyways.... Get dressed*turns on the shower*

Yn:*spits the mouthwash out and rinses it out of the sink*Ion wanna go Eric*starts whining*

Eazy:*starts whining*yoon have a choice yn*stops*now go take a shower in the other room and get dressed*takes off his socks and boxers and gets in the shower*

Yn:ughhhhhh*walks out and goes to the other room*imma grown ass woman ! how he gone tell me what to do? Just because he's a year older than me don't mean a thing !*starts the water*dammit*takes off your shirt,underwear,and socks and gets in*


Eazy's P.O.V
After I got out the shower I dried off and found me some clothes to put on. I put on my raiders jersey,some black pants,and some black adidas. Then I put on my locs and my favorite black Compton hat. When I got finished gettin' dressed I sat on the bed and waited for Yn.

Eazy:*turns on the tv and starts channel surfing*

-with Yn-

Yn:*putting on her clothes*i don't need to go to the clinic like damn ! I'm fine !

Yn's P.O.V
I put on a tank top,black shorts,and some black Cortez. Then, I put my hair up in a bun. Something plain because ion wanna go to the clinic. I hate clinics ! all the doctors wanna do is give people shots and send them home .

Yn:*walks to your room*Im ready E

Eazy:*gets up and turn off the tv*come on ma*gets his keys and walks to the house door*you gone lock the door?*walks out of the house*

Yn:yeah*locks the door behind you and closes it*

They made sure they had everything they needed and they got in the car.

Yn:*puts on your seatbelt*Eric

Eazy:I know I know*mocks you*Eric put your seatbelt on ! you know how these police are ! Proper self !

Yn:*slaps his chest*shut up !*gighles*

Eazy:*laughs*you say that every time we get in the car !


Eazy:*starts the car and starts hitting switches*yeaaaa !

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