First Light

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Waves of change. That was what they said. The new discovery would be the revolution of technology. Sign up... Obtain millions. All for one journey. Fear of growing technology was obviously present, and scientists had to find a way of utilizing it off the planet earth. Many of thousands were growing accustomed to the fact that technology was producing quickly. However some were not persuaded. NASA had sent its men to the moon. Scientists wanted to perfect this by sending a group of explorers to the distant but not so, planet Mars.

First Light

Timothy and I had signed up two years ago. Millions of dollars would be given to whoever went and returned. Also in addition to this before the journey was completed, but you had left the planet, your family would be given a large sum of money.
Both of these things appealed to Timothy and I. I was very surprised to learn however that Bethany was also going. Timothy and Bethany are my brother and sisters, while both are older I always think of myself as the more mature one.
Bethany smiled at both of us as we were loading up the spaceship we were going in. Compared to the rockets NASA had to send men to the moon, our craft was quite small. Our craft however was much faster and efficient, and its durability also had a very high standard.
Timothy and I waved to Bethany. She looks at us and I'm sure she screamed inside.
"Can you believe it!" She says. "We are going to Mars!"
"Just think of all that money!" Says Timothy. "Our parents will be so proud of us."
"If we make it back," I quickly interject. "There is always the chance something goes wrong."
"See Alan that's why I didn't want you to sign up. Your always such a downer. I can't listen to this all the way there and back! Help me out Beth."
"He's right Alan. Come on cheer up, we're gonna get so much money from this!" She says.
I look at both of them. "I'm not that interested in the money. What I'm really interested in is seeing the red planet."
Ever since the add had shown up I had been planning for this day, planning and worrying. What if something did go wrong?
My thoughts are interrupted by a noise, I turn to see a small group coming up the walkway. It is Eric, Andrew, and Bill.
We all shake hands and congratulate each other for making it this far. There is happiness on everyone's face, we are all excited to make the perilous journey to the beautiful red planet.
It's about a good solid fifteen minutes before the loud ringing sounds in the air. Signaling us to climb into the craft and get ready to make the journey.
Timothy walks next to me. He puts his hand over my head and slides it through the air, as if he is showing me something. "Just think Alan! All of that money!"
I say yet again. "I'm only going to see the planet, I have no interest in money."
We walk down the walkway and over to our craft. This craft looks very comfortable compared to NASA's rockets. It's sleek black design makes for one badass looking craft. We hear a loud cheer. A cheer loud enough to pierce through the ringing. We all look down.
The whole of society is down there awaiting to see if the new craft will fly or not.
We all wave to the mass of people, smiles on our faces. The ringing pierced through the crowd once again and I walk towards the craft. The hatch opens to my presence and I am the first one in. Followed by Eric, and then Andrew. Bethany almost trips in, but Bill is there to steady her. She mumbles thanks, obviously embarrassed at what happened.
Timothy is last but not before I have to shout out to him to get in.
"Come on!" I start to yell. "Pop star the red planet awaits us!" I can't help laughing.
My twenty-eight year old brother is actually blowing kisses to the crowd.
He finally climbs in and the hatch shuts. We are all happy, but it is obvious everyone is nervous, I am sweating in my spacesuit and I know I can do nothing about it. What if the craft doesn't fly?
What if something bad happens the way there or the way back? I banish the thought and get ready to fly into space.
A loud speech sounds after the ringing is done. It comes from the big output speaker next to our craft.

"Cascading waves of change
The future we think to be inconsequential,
Can effect the future indefinitely
Once you had the power to effect monumental change,
Would you let fear consume?
Or would you overcome?
We sent a message into the past, a warning
We have that message
Though this story is not inevitable,
And a society does evolve.
We can change our fate,
We can change our future,
We can change the past"

I don't understand the speech, but it doesn't matter. I'm going into space, me at just twenty-four and my brother and my sister who is twenty-nine. Into space, the thought almost makes me daydream.
The whole reason for the mission is for scientists to show what we can do with the over progressing technology. It's funny to think of how much people actually fear technology, but scream in enthusiasm to send it into space.
I hear a button hit and we shoot into the sky. I hadn't been paying attention to how close we were to launch.
I grab the padding on the red chair. It's soft and reassuring but the craft is shaking so much I can't help but feel sick. I feel like regurgitating the celebratory pizza we had earlier but I keep it down.
It's almost dark, meaning we are nearing space. My brother is yelling at the top of his lungs in excitement. I'm sure my sister is screaming in fright.
I start to yell in enjoyment I'm going to see the big red beautiful planet.
I let go of the padding and relax as the craft enters space and slows down.
"Mission is a go." I hear on the loudspeaker inside the ship.
Everyone starts yelling!
"The craft worked!"
"We're going to mars!"
"The money!"
I look over at the person who mentioned money, of course it is my brother.
It takes a whole three hours before we can finally get out of our seats. I find it strange how big the inside looks compared to the outside. Almost everything is red and sleek. Their are couches, a kitchen, and places to sleep.
"Oh, yeah I'm gonna like this." Timothy says.
"You know I think I will too." I say and I finally stop worrying.
We all explore the craft except for Eric who stays at the front to make sure nothing goes wrong.
"So this is space." I say with a heavy sigh. "It's so empty."
"Guys!" Bethany yells. "Come here look!"
We walk over to where Bethany is, and see she is looking out one of the many windows.
"What is it?" I ask as I peek through the window.
I gasp as I see the earth, it looks a lot smaller than it feels to walk on the planet.
"We live on that?" Timothy says in amazement.
"Yes, and we will return to her soon." Says Andrew.
I notice Bill is talking to Bethany, and I want to know what they are talking about. Before I go, I take one last look out the window.
I see a faint bit of light. I stay there for a minute, and gasp in amazement as I see the sun, and it's first light.

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