Chapter 1: Breaking and Entering

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Chapter 1: Breaking and Entering

   I heard her before I saw her. She was climbing up my tree to my window, YET AGAIN for the third night in a row. Various thumps were what woke me and a bunch of screeches was what gave her away. I was surprised that my parents hadn't woken up. Thank the lord they were heavy sleepers. The first night she came tip toeing into my window, I seriously thought she was a robber. I even had my pink baseball bat at attention. Just right when I was ready to go for the swing, I realized it was just good old lacey, up to her crazy tricks again.

     You wouldn't even guess this chick was a bad ass, but she was. It was kind of convenient her looks didn't give anything away. That would take all the fun out of it. With her rosy red cheeks and her golden blond hair and her expensive cute clothes, you would have thought she was goldy locks. It looked like her mother had dressed her every morning, but her mother just bought her the clothes, Lacey had no choice. She actually hated the clothes, she'd rather go for the more edgy look like me. But her mother was impossible to reason with, especially with fashion. But me on the other hand, Looked totally bad ass. I had long black hair and dark mysterious hazel eyes. I was lucky too that my looks didn't give me away either... I could at least pretend to be bad ass. But sadly, I wasn't. I actually cared about my future. It wasn't that Lacey didn't care about hers, I just had higher standards. And I didn't have a rich daddy to help me when I was screwed over.

   Even though Lacey and I were different we had the best times. We've been best friends since 3rd grade. It all started when lacey full on ran into me in the lunch line and spilled strawberry milk on me, soaking my new Mary Jane shoes by accident. We've been friends ever since. Sometimes having a friend like Lacey was awesome and sometimes not. Like after you have your first heartbreak and you just need somebody's shoulder to cry on, yeah that was Lacey. I could always count on her... for most things. But it wasn't always that great. Like the time when I had to lie to Lacey's parents saying that she was at my house the whole day even though she was sucking face at Brad Robin's house. Or the times where she breaks into your house In the middle of the night, just like tonight.

   And tonight, for the third night in a row she had woken me up from the perfect dream. And I definitely reminded her of it and made sure to give her that disapproving look that I always gave her, when she repeatedly did something I didn't like. But of course she had to be sassy about it.

"SOOO-RYY! That I ruined your love fest with Mr. Hot Pants. BUT IT WAS an emergency! Just like the last two times..." she smiled.

And of course she won me over and I smiled too.

"I need to talk to u about something, I have an idea" she said.

   And instead of texting like a normal friend would do, she had to sprint over to my house in the middle of the night and break into my window just to tell me this important info. And just one glance into her mischievous little eyes, I knew I was in for some trouble. .... But what were best friends for.

heeey guys :) hoping to write the next chapter soon,,sorry for the wait comment any ideas you may have <3>

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