Chapter 1: Worldly Travels

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The brunette teen sighed as he walked home alone. His Rain and Storm guardian actually had things to do, and after Tsuna reassured them that he would be fine just to walk home alone, they went separate ways. It seemed that they had both became protective after meeting Daemon Spade, and the Shimon family.

He was actually quiet content with the silence of his walk home, enjoying one of the few times he would get to relax and worry about nothing at all. Though he learned not to lower his guard too much since Reborn had a tendency to make sure he was ready at any time.

Though Tsuna felt like today was different. His hyper intuition wasn't alerting him of anything and for the past few months nothing but peace had been in his life. He was best friends with Enma, and his 'tutoring' was going great. He wasn't failing any classes, and was actually getting C+ to B's on most of his subjects.

Life was great.

Tsuna calmly walked up to his house, knowing that the silence would disappear once the door opened to alert that he was home. But once he stepped in, he was surprised to hearing the ever ringing silence. On high alert, the sky flame user slipped off his shoes and walked up his stairs to his room.

"Reborn-san, are you sure this is a good idea?" The voice of Irie sounded from behind his door and Tsuna gulped as he opened the door.

In the middle of his room stood a giant metal cylinder with a glass like door. Irie and Spanner looked at him and smiled(though Irie looked too nervous for Tsuna's liking), and Reborn sat on his bed with Leon on his finger.

"O-Oh! T-Tsuna-san! Your home!" Irie stuttered as Spanner continued to type on his lab top that was on his lap. Tsuna felt like crying once he figured out that his relaxing walk may have been his last for a long time.

"I-Irie, Sp-Spanner, what are you doing here?" The decimo asked nervously.

"Reborn-san asked us to do something for him" Spanner said as he concentrated on his computer on his lap, then pointed to the mysterious machine in the middle of the room. "This is the something."

Tsuna gulped as he turned to his tutor, who was smirking like a genius. "Dame-Tsuna, I have your next test ready and set" the baby explain simply and Tsuna felt like fainting.

"E-EHHHHHH?! Wh-What test?!" He screeched, and received a kick to the head. "Dame-Tsuna, a boss shouldn't scream like a girl" Reborn said before walking over to the two geniuses. "Is it ready?"

Irie shook with nerves as he grabbed an apple from a bag near him. "We just need to test it" he said quietly, but it seemed Reborn didn't want to wait any longer. Before the three could blink, Reborn appeared behind Tsuna and kicked him hard into the giant cylinder. The glass door automatically shut and a light started flashing.

"W-Wait! It's not ready yet!" Irie yelled, but the machine continued to rumble. Tsuna groaned as he looked out the door, seeing Reborn behind it with a smirk. "Good luck, Dame-Tsuna!"

And with that a bright flash appeared, temporarily blinding everyone in the room. Once dimmed, the two teens and baby saw the glass door open with smoke coming out of it.

Empty of any other thing.


The sun shinned on the ocean as a certain pirate crew sailed smoothly through the bright sea. The goat figure head seemed to glimmer as the ship was carried by the wind, and the crew was doing anything to keep themselves from boredom.

Sanji and Robin were in the kitchen, the former baking snacks for the females on board and the other reading silently to herself. Nami was in her room, working on her latest map, while Chopper sat in the infirmary making medicine in case of any sudden illnesses or injuries. That left Zoro napping against the railing with Usopp and Luffy fishing off the side of the ship.

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