The boy with the jet black hair (an AmazingPhil imagine)

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-My first AmazingPhil imagine/fan fiction I've done. I've posted this on the Phan Facebook pages I admin, so you may recognise it!


You're walking home from school. You were with your friends just a minute ago, but they had to go a different way to get home. You are about 50 metres away from home, your house is in your view. You see a guy, around your age, with jet black, mid length, layered hair standing on your drive, looking nervous. What is he doing there? He looks familiar, he goes to your school and is wearing the same uniform as you. You think his name is Phil, but you don't particularly know him. You're about 25 metres away now, he's on his phone and looks up every now and again to check his surroundings. Now, you're 15 metres away. He sees you, puts his phone away and starts to slowly approach you. You're a little nervous, seeing as you've never properly met him. 10 metres on, he comes near to you.

"Hi, you're (y/n)....right?" He says, his voice cracking a little from nerves.

"Yes, that's me. And you?" You answer to him, feeling a little more relaxed.

"Phil, Phil Lester. I'm in the year above you." He seems nice.

"Urrmm.....I saw you the other day," he says with a slight mumble.

"Well we do go to the same school," you say, being slightly sarcastic.

"You looked beautiful,"he said after a short pause. His cheeks flushed and he looked at the ground and shifted from foot to foot. You're surprised that a boy you've never really met has said this to you. You had to admit, he was a handsome guy. Your cheeks flush at the thought of him.

"Thank you. Nobody has ever said that to me before," you answer in a slight mumble, trying not to sound in any way nervous.

"Really? Wow, I'm surprised." You giggle. You both look up at each other. You lock eyes for a minute or so. Wow his eyes are beautiful. So blue and sparkly, like he'd captured the ocean and put it in his eyes.

"Hey, do you fancy going for a coffee sometime so we can get to know each other a bit more?" you finally say, breaking the silence.

"Yh, that'd be great! Can we exchange numbers so we can arrange a day and time to meet? I don't think we'll see much of each other at school," he asks, still a bit nervous whilst talking to you.

"Sure. Pass me your phone and I'll type it in," you answer. He hands you his phone. An iPhone 5, a sign of a rich family. You create a new contact, type in your number and pass it back to him.

"Send me a quick text so I can add yours too," you say to him. He quickly types a text and sends it to the newly added contact. Your phone buzzes and you open a text that reads, "Hey beautiful :) xx". You giggle and blush a little. You add him to your contacts under the name of 'Phil Lester'.

"Thanks, I'll text you later, if that's ok?" He says, after you've read his text.

"Yep, that's fine. Talk later!" You start to walk off towards your house when he shouts to you again.

"Urm, (y/n?)" You turn around.

"Yes Phil?"

"Thank you for giving me a chance to get to know you. Most girls just laugh in my face." You feel sorry for him hearing that this has happened. You run up to him and hug him. He's shocked for a few seconds, but finally comes to his senses and hugs back, nestling his head in your shoulder. You feel him smile into your shoulder. You smile too. You break away from the hug.

"Bye, talk tonight," you say before walking away.

"See you, beautiful," he says in return. You have your back to him and do a sort of giggle-laugh. You quickly turn around, shout a final goodbye and make your way to your front door. You try to find your keys in the ocean of random crap in your pocket. You pull out your key, go inside, run upstairs, chuck your bags into the corner of your room and chuck yourself onto your bed in happiness. You think about what just happened. 'Did that just happen?' 'Is this a dream?' 'Is this real life?' All these thoughts are going through you head as you lie there. Lets just hope this guy is boyfriend material.

-I was thinking about carrying it on. Should I? Idk. Tell me if you think I should and I'll write another chapter :D

The boy with the jet black hair (an AmazingPhil imagine)Where stories live. Discover now