Part 1

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I guess this is where it starts. It was cold outside. Again. I didn't want to wear a jacket today but it appeared as tho I'd have to. I was in my bedroom, looking out the window that had the remnants of fog pressed against it. I do this every morning. I wake up, complain about how it's too early to be awake, then I stare out the window for about 15 minutes contemplating mans greatest known mystery; life. I sighed loudly as I heard a knock on my bedroom door. "Naruto, you awake?" I sighed again. "Yes mom!" I yelled out.
"Just checking" she spoke from the hall. I groaned and stretched out my lengthly arms, hearing them pop in satisfaction.

I heard her foot steps walk away and decided to go over to my closet. Hmmmm, what to wear. So many options. I decided to wear a black Ramones T-shirt and black skinny jeans. After I was fully clothed and brushed my teeth, I ran downstairs to the kitchen. The kitchen is probably one of my favorite places in my house, beside my room. I opened my off-white fridge and grabbed a leftover piece of pizza from last night. I took a bite into the Papa Johns pizza and moaned. Pizza is always good when it's cold from the fridge. I glanced at the clock on my crappy microwave. 7:15. Time to go.

I quickly chowed down on my pizza and walked to the shoe rack by my front door. I slid on my black converse and threw on my backpack. "I'm leaving mom!" I yelled. I waited a good ten seconds for her to reply. "Have a good day babe"

I playfully rolled my eyes at my mothers comment and walked out the door. Like you could have a good day at school. Psh, ain't no such thing. School was just another reminder that one day I would have to grow up. Face responsibilities and hardships. And life already seemed pretty hard to me.

I walked in the crappy cold weather to my bus stop that was hardly a block away. Several other kids waited too. Two of them were my friends, Shikamaru and Sai. "Hey guys" I smiled. "Hey" Shikamaru replied lazily. Sai gave a nod.
Shikamaru had his hair up in the usual porcupine looking ponytail. I smiled, feeling a sense of comfort at the familiar sight of a good friend.

By the time the bus had shown up my toes felt like Popsicles. It was the end of October so the cold weather was to be expected, but I still kinda hoped that it would be a Warmer winter. Obviously that would not be happening.

The bus ride was short, no longer than 10 minutes and we arrived at my high school that I call hell.

Usually I meet up with my friends in the morning before the bell rings, but not today. I decided to take a detour to the bathroom first, have been holding it in for the entirety of the bus ride. I walked into the sidewalk that led to the doors by the bathroom and found that I have ran into a raven haired kid. I flinched at the impact and when my eyes had opened I saw that he looked quite ticked off.
Well shit, what a way to make an enemy before the bell even rang, Naruto. I thought helplessly.


To be continued ((;

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