The Hill trip

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My childhood Best friend visited me in our house. Its been a year after that incident in the beach and haven't seen even a shadow of josh.

Best" you know what, the night before you live the town, we came here to check on you. "

me" we? whose with you?"

best "josh. he said he'll gonna miss you, he wants to see you, but he knows your already sleeping soundly, and you don't want to see even his shadow."

me"its been a year besty,were over it.
after all, you said he do have a girlfriend already. doesn't me, I'm still NBSB, or no boy friend since birth is because I am still affected and haven't moved on. Life isn't moving backward it is moving forward."

besty "if you say so, then prove it"


besty "josh, you can now go out, stop hiding behind the doors"

me ""oh, hello, long time no see.

josh "yah, lets go"

besty "lets have a road trip"

me "sure,wait I'll change my clothes."


while waiting for the ice cream we sat in a bench inside 7/11, my besty bought us.

josh"you really had moved on, good for you"

me "yah, in the first place, we have to, doesn't mean pain keep us stronger, we'll keep it with ourselves forever. "

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