Author's Note

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Author’s Note:


Hello Popsicles!

I’m just writing this because I see a lot of statuses and posts about your insecurities, and it really makes me sad, because every single one of you is beautiful. Please remember that beauty isn’t a perfect face, beauty isn’t a perfect body, beauty isn’t how many guys you can hook up with in one night.

Beauty is simply you.

Let me tell you something, even that ‘perfect’ girl in school with the long hair and the gorgeous boyfriend is insecure about something. You can never be perfect, because perfection in itself is a flaw. You need to realize that you were made to have those imperfections so that you can be unique. So that you can be unique. So that you can have your own talents. If everyone is perfect, then how are you supposed to stand out in a crowd?

So look at your flaws and learn to love them, because without that giddy laugh, or those pixie ears, or those slightly skew teeth, you wouldn’t be the amazing individual you are today. YOUR flaws make YOU beautiful. The sooner you can laugh at yourself, the sooner you can accept your inner and outer beauty.

I’m going to share a bit about myself. I’ve never been that pretty girl. In prep school, I had short hair, a big nose and I was chubby and I looked like a little Indian boy. I got called a lot of names. In Grade 4, we had a school bully who didn’t like me at all. One day, she told me I was trash and put me in one of the big dustbins.

In Grade 7, the boys called me Rudolf because of my huge nose. Then came the names Yeti and Bigfoot. I don’t think you can fully understand what it’s like for a 13-year old girl to be compared to mythical monsters. I wished it would all end. How many nights I cried myself to sleep because I looked the way I did.

I guess you can imagine how high-school started for me. I came into Grade 8 taller than everyone in my grade, with not a single attractive quality. My hips were huge, and so was my nose. I was loud and obnoxious, so all of the higher grades thought I was that weird freak.

To this day I am still that person. But the difference between now and then is that I’m proud of it. Yes, I still shed a tear over the fact that I can’t pull off a bikini or the fact that I’m still waiting for my first kiss, my first date, or even for someone to just have an interest in me.

But I’ve learned to stop caring what people have to say about me, because I am who I am, and I can’t change that. I will NOT spend my entire life wishing I was someone else, because I know that there is someone out there who wishes they were me.

There is someone out there who wishes they were you. That I can promise. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. I don’t care if you don’t believe me. Go look in a mirror and you will see individuality. There is no one out there who looks like you. There is no one out there who is as talented as you.

Don’t be like me. Don’t waste your time crying over the opinions of people who aren’t even perfect themselves. Don’t let others stop you from going for your dreams. It’s not weird to be in the school play. You’re not a loser if you’re in the school choir.

You’re courageous.

If you can stand in front of the people who tease you and say, “Don’t waste your breath, your hate only confirms your jealousy”, then have more courage than 99.999% of the population.

If you are ever worrying about something, or are upset about something, please don’t be afraid to send me a message. I know what it’s like to feel alone. I know what it’s like to be judged because of who you are. I’m always here, and I won’t judge you.

I’m rambling on now, but I just don’t want you to feel like you have to look a certain way, or act a certain way to be perfect. Honestly, what is perfection? Is it a specific hair colour? A brand of clothing? The price of your house? None of the above.




You are beautiful. You are talented. You are worth it.

-Meg xxx

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