Fridge Man

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The bizarre noise whimpered out of my fridge that brought me great curiosity. I tried to open its door, but I could not make it budge. The edge was sticky. As I delved my fingers into the rubber lining, my hands became coated in a vibrant red liquid. The fridge was screeching as I pulled. The door squelched as it was yanked open. The contents tumbled out and a bottle of black current juice must have spilled as large amounts of the liquid that had stuck to the door dribbled down onto the floor. I lifted my heavy eyes from the steadily forming puddle to the strange contents of my fridge. The memory of buying so much meat must have slipped out of my mind. My hands reached for the beef in the middle; eager to get started. The juice had stuck the meat together too and I had to tear the beef away. I closed my eyes and dragged my tongue across the tips of my fingers. The usual tart taste of the currents was replaced with a more irony, salty taste. The lids of my eyes tore open and my gaze was lifted up to the pale face of a boy. His eyes were glazed over and the brown of his irises seemed unbelievably dark. A weight felt as though it dropped in my mind, hitting the back of my skull with an almighty crack. My eyes flickered to my hands. The dark red substance had stained every crease and pore. The beef I thought I was holding was the dripping mess of a savaged stomach. My feet seemed to slip as I stumbled backwards, dropping the stomach I stared at the boy hung on my wall. His flesh hung open like a door. It was clawed and torn and blood oozed down his front. I wiped my hands over my face, taking fistfuls of my hair. I gasped opening my eyes and trying to breathe normally. The boy on the wall was no longer there. Instead my fridge was in his place. The black current juice carton was on the floor, its contents pouring out into a sticky mess, and the beef was in the middle of it, getting soaked. I clenched my chest as all my muscles began to relax. My mind was playing cruel tricks on me again.

"Oh, my beef!" I cried in despair, cradling the meat gently. "I can still save you. Don't worry." A smile spun its way onto my face as I began to cut and chop. The flame of the stove sparked up creating a lovely blue flower with orange tips. I balanced my rusty pot on the dark, metal spikes, shadowing my flower. I dropped my diced meat into the pot which soon began to excrete luscious fumes. Spices and seasoning spark temptation. I eagerly hurry to find a spoon to taste my creation. Wrinkles etched across its surface as the spoon sliced through the thick soup. Bringing the spoon towards my mouth, my taste buds danced gracefully. The closure of my eyes set my diseased mind at ease but the opening brought dismay. Blistering flames crowded my vision, the boy with a solid stare glared into my soul. His face melted like soft butter, I held my scraggy hand out to touch his dissolving face only to be disgusted by the blood blanketing my arm. I jolted out of the searing blaze that was detaining me, witnessing a mess at my feet. "Who am I?" I trembled to myself.

Fridge manWhere stories live. Discover now