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"Mom, look what I found!" I squeaked as I held a homeless kitten in my hands.

"Wow honey! That's cute." She smiled gently.

"Can we keep it, huh mom, huh?" I asked enthusiastically.

She nodded in approval.  And so I took the little kitten into my home for some TLC. I kept it in my backyard and gave it food. I finally got a pet for the first time and I was really excited to spend my entire life with it.

After dinner, I went to check on Bonny, the caramel coated kitten.

When I got to the backyard, I saw the most frightful scene fold before my eyes. The kitten was dead - its throat crushed like someone stepped on it. Its blood was making a big pool around it with its guts and intestines hanging from the bottom and floating in the blood.

It was just disgusting that I shrieked as hard as I could. Just then, I sensed that someone was nearby. I looked desperately but found nothing. A cold chill ran down my spine as if someone was breathing coldly at my back.

I quickly turned to see a distorted face right before me. I trembled in fear at the transparent figure which was looking so scary I thought that I would die! The person plastered a huge, evil grin which was actually reaching his ears.

"D-Did you kill that kitten?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"..." He said nothing.

"A-Answer me!!" I was strangely raging with anger.

"I didn't do that... Must have been--" He stopped, but started to speak again.

"Enough! I don't believe you even exist! I might just be seeing things!" I shouted back with tears in my eyes.

From my shouting, my mom suddenly came running.

"What's going on Lucy?! Why did you-"

"Mom, can you see someone standing there?" I interrupted while pointing in the direction of the transparent person.

"N-No dear... Wait... What happened to the kitten?!" My mom was about to faint from the sight.

"That person did it!" I said, but my mom didn't buy it.

The boy snickered at my failure attempt. My mom just shouted at me and told me to go to my room. I was grounded for some time.

I couldn't believe what happened, not to mention it was freaky with the boy in my room.

(I am just 10 years old! What does he want from me?!)

"How come only I can see you and no one else?" I asked to break the silence.

He grinned and continued, "That is the curse you had as soon as you were born... and now, you are mature enough to see for yourself. People will look down upon you and you'll have to carry this unfaithful burden for the rest of your life..."

I couldn't believe what I heard. Is that really true? I don't know and I don't want to know! When I put some thought into it, I started seeing the spirits all around me. They were everywhere. I was scared to death by their gruesome faces staring at me.

All the stuff the boy warned me about started taking their turns in my life. The people of my town thought I was becoming mentally crazy and they started avoiding me, including my mom.

I often heard her talking to herself at night saying how she never wanted me as a daughter who was crazy. She wished I wasn't even born! I felt awful but at my age, I couldn't do anything. The only person at my side was the spirit boy.

He said his name was Kaneki and that whenever I needed help, I could ask him. He also explained, that I would be able to attract some evil spirits, but he would protect me and that he has no choice. I was ignored and scared, so I agreed to his offer.

Many years passed and I became used to people making fun of me. I became very distant and eventually turned into an emo, which fitted me well now that I was officially known as a murderer. Yes, a murderer.

Turns out the evil spirits actually have hosts in the human world, so if I kill one, a person would die as well. Everyday at least one person died from my hands.

I killed without mercy whoever got on my nerves, including my mom... I didn't regret it one bit as she was the one who was going to get rid of me with a knife in the first place. It was sort of a reflex I should say.

When that happened, I was living alone with Kaneki, and a few other abandoned spirits in my abandoned house, where my mom's body was buried...

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