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Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball/Z/GT. Dragonall/Z/GT is owned by Akira Toriyama, Licensed by FUNimation Productions Ltd. and are Trademarks/Copyrights of TOEI ANIMATION. I am writing for personal entertainment purposes only.


(Mystery Character's Point of View)

The Earth has been divided into three races, Human, Namekian, and Saiyan. We Humans, we were born here, long before any of these other races moved in. Though the Namekians however, were the first alien race to move to Planet Earth.

In Age 261, the Namekians were forced to leave their home planet, Planet Namek, due to a drought that cause the planet to become uninhabitable. Unfortunately, the drought had killed of many of the Namekian population. After many years of searching for a suitable home, they finally found shelter on Planet Earth. Of course, we Humans know better than to let any random species settle on are home planet, or at least not for free.

The Nameks didn't seem to be a threat to us, so we Humans and Namekians were able to come up with a suitable plan that everyone agreed on. See, those Namekians have the ability to create these things called Dragon Balls. They're these little magical orbs with stars on them. They're the same color and size of an orange. There's seven of them in a set. Once all are gathered, a magical dragon appears that will grant you any wish you'd like. You wish it, and he'll grant it. Yeah seriously, no lie, those things are actually pretty neat.

It seemed to be a very fair trade, considering that their population was as low as sixty, when they first moved to Earth. So many of them were killed off by the drought. And so the deal was agreed on. The Namkes created a set of Dragon Balls for Earth, and we Humans granted them settlement. After the making of the Dragon Balls the Nameks then were legal settlers on Earth.

They're just normal green citizens. We Humans are now very fond of the Namkians, as they are of us. And those Namekians ain't that bad to live with either. They only drink water and they don't follow the barbaric customs of the Saiyans.

Now the Saiyan's story is completely different to the Namekian's. See those Saiyans were the type of folk who were space drifters, looking for a home. We don't know much about their past life or their home planet, heck or if they even had a home planet before Earth, they really like to keep to themselves. Anyway, in Age 550, they were space drifters, looking for a home and unfortunately they found one on Earth.

Of course, we Humans sure the heck weren't going to let those space pirates bully their way on the our home planet. So, with the help of the Namekians of course, we were able to strike a deal with the Saiyans. Those rotten pirates wouldn't leave our planet for nothing on Earth, so we Humans and Namekians came to the conclusion that if the Saiyans offer our planet protection from other space pirates, they can stay.

That just wasn't good enough for them. The Saiyans agreed that they would protect us humans from other space pirates, but what would protect us from them. So in order to protect us from them, we Humans provide them with the latest updates in technology. Yeah, see what I mean about those rotten Saiyan pirates.

They were nothing like the peaceful Namekian folk. They were dirty, barbaric savages that ate anything that moved. Honestly, if it wasn't for the Dragon Balls we'd have no food. Every year we have to wish for a new supply of animals just to survive with these Saiyans. They're really a pain in the you know what if you ask me.

And you know what, the Saiyans didn't include the Namekians as part of our little deal, so they were always starting fights with the peaceful folk of Namek. Luckly for the Nameks, (though the Saiyan population greatly overpowered their own) they we're able to hold their own against the Saiyans. See the Namekians and the Saiyans have both amazingly strong powers compare to us Humans, but luckily for us, we have technology running on our side. Those Saiyans would be nothing without our technology, or at least I like to think that.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2015 ⏰

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