'im so boring' nurin complained NURIN!!NURIN!! i have a good news! nurin was very shocked because her best friend hidayah scream at her..'you make me suprised but what the good news? im so curious' nurin smile 'you know one direction? they moved to our school' hidayah say 'hmm...i do not believe you because you always lie to me' nurin say 'what!! you do not believe your best friend you are so mean!' hidayah shout angrily 'yes i am...lets go to class if we late our teacher will kill us' they going to class.'' we have five new boys in our class i want you treat them well' said our homeroom teacher 'guys come in' all the girls in the class scream 'Arghhh they come in!!!' 'can you all introduce yourself?' 'hi im Liam,im louis,im niall,im harry and im zayn' they introduce themself. 'niall,liam,louis and zayn you guys sit there' nurin quickly put her bag on an empty seat next to her 'nurin take your bag right now' the homeroom teacher said 'ok harry you sit next to nurin' harry smile at nurin before he sit ' you do not like if im sit next to you? harry ask 'not like that i just want to take something in my bag' nurin just boom the answer 'ouh but thanks because you give me sit next to you' harry smile nurin just reply with a bitter smile..finally it recess time hidayah poke nurin shoulder 'nurin you must be happy because you sit next to harry' 'why i have to be happy?' nurin ask 'because you can talk with a popstar' hidayah said 'whatever you so weird..lets go to the canteen im so hungry' nurin dont care what hidayah said