You see her walking down the street hood down slipping though the crowd no one notices her bloody shirt or the used knife in her hand not even the lifeless body she drags casually behind her.
You follow her throughout the streets until midnight she still hasn't noticed you.
You find it weird and suspicious she still has her hood on you are questioning her identity......
Until she takes her hood off.................
You know her all too familiar face!
You best friend Nicola!
You study the face of the murder victim you can't see due to too much blood on the face.
You follow her into a small abandoned house as she cleans the victim you finally get a glimpse of her face Sophie what a shame you realize you never really liked her.
Just then Nicola looks at you casually and you give her a small smile and a thumbs up.
Then you casually walk away from the casual murder scene.
Caual murder!!
AzioneCasual murder By Chloe Bradstreet copyright 2013 all rights reserved!!