The 3rd day of school

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Daniella's P.O.V

I woke up this morning not wanting to go to school. I looked at the time it was 6:25am. I got up took a shower put my makeup on and straighten my hair the usual morning routine. I walked down stair my mom and dad already left for work. I looked at the time it was 7:20am. I got in my car and drive to school.  I was eating a breakfast meal bar in the car on my way to school. I got to school at about 7:40 which gives me 10 minutes to walk to my class.

Im getting out the car and I see Grayson Dolan park right next to me but on my right side. He's giving me this look that he wants to beat the crap out of me already. In waking into the gates and I see Ethan Dolan, Grayson's twin brother. He looks at me and gives me a look that he also wants to beat the crap out of me.

I got in to class and I only had one friend her name is Andrea. I went to sit next to her and she got up and left. I wonder what's going on. Maybe she's tired of getting made fun of for being my friend. I see Grayson Dolan walk in the class and he sits right next to me. He looks at me and says nothing. My anxiety is building up. I'm messing with my pencil, great it falls on the floor. I get up and grab it. I'm so surprised Grayson Isn't messing with me.

It's lunch and I walk outside and I go the table I usually go to. I take out a lunch meal bar and I begin to eat it. I get up and I walk to my locker and I see at the corner of my eye Grayson waking up to me. He grabbed my hand and he takes me no one will here me. He starts beating me and his brother Ethan was just laughing instead of telling him to stop.

I get up and I have blood on my face. I ran to the bathroom and I wiped all the blood. I didn't go to 5th period I just hid in the girls bathroom. I got out to go to 6th period and I walk into class and I sit all the way in the back. I'm covering my face. I see Ethan and Grayson walk in the did a full circle in the class room to see for any empty seats. As they passed me I heard them say, slut, whore, fat bitch, worthless pieces of shit, ugly whore, ect....

I looked down pretending I didn't hear them. It's 2:45 pm School is over for the Day and I waited for everyone to leave class and I get up and I walked to my car and I got in and I drive home. I like 4 houses aways from the Dolan twins. My parents are not home. I hear a knock on the door and I open it, it's Grayson. I slam the door shut and I lock it I start running closing every window and door in the house. Finally I see my parents pull in the drive way. The time is 6:20pm. My mom and dad are surgeons but they want to live a simple settle life. They don't want a huge house nor do they want a bunch of cars. Our house is big but not huge. We have 4 cars. I have a cute little BMW my mom has a G-wagon and my dad has a Range Rover the 4th car is a family car it's a Jeep. I looked to see if Grayson was there but he was gone.

I welcome my mom and dad into the house. "Hey mom hey dad in heading to the store you want anything" I smiled at them both. "Just make sure to buy some pie" my mom looked at me and began to laugh.

Grayson's P.O.V

I went to Daniella's house to beat the crap out of her cause I was so pissed off. I knocked on the door and she opened it and slammed it shut and I heard the door lock which pissed me off even more. I see her parents cars come and I start running home. I was so pissed off I punch the wall and then a lamp post on my way home.

Something about Daniella really pisses me off. I have no idea what it was but omg every time I looked at her I just wanted to beat the shit out of her.

Daniella's P.O.V

I stated driving to the store and I got my mom her pie and I got my meal bars for next week. I also got me a water with a jar of mixed fruit. I don't really eat I eat a meal bar in the morning and then I eat another meal bar for lunch and then for dinner I eat white rice with a small pieces of chicken and some veggies. I'm only 16 and I weigh 100 pounds and my height it 5'8 I'm pretty tall. My mom is 5'9 and my dad is 6'2.

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