November 13th

351 39 4

Chapter 10
Today me and tom walked in the hallways holding hands
Michelle tried to make fun of me but tom told her to go away and she just gave us the stink eye
I laughed
Tom said she was psycho
I agreed
Then tom said he loved me and he walked to fifth period
I walked into algebra
Michelle didnt bother me and i was thankful
I wore a a skirt with a nice sweater and some boots
Tom says i have cute clothes and i shouldnt try to hide my curves by wearing baggy clothes
So we burned them
It was like shedding an old skin
The old me that cried everyday because i was called fat
The old me that didnt know who i was
The old me that was sad because i wasnt a size 2
But now im happy with myself and i honestly dont give a shit what people think
Im beautiful with curves, cellulite, stretch marks and all
Tom say they're just bad ass lightning tattoos
I agreed with him
And if people have them they need to embrace them
If people have extra fat on them the need to be okay with that because its on their body
I held toms hand that night sitting on the lawn
I was finally freeing my body

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