Night's 1-3

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Nixxie Lapis by, WonderGames.

" Hey kids d ont forget to stop by the Candy shore and visit the ruthless Vixie Fox!" the giant pale cream and pink Robo Bunny said as the children ran off to eat and have fun.

It was a sunny day in Foxfeild, Colarado. Not a cloud in the sky. The weather was warm with a cool crispbreeze now and then, A young man freash out of Highschool sat in a elagent looking dineing room a laptop in frount of him. The birds chirped all around the quaint neighborhood he lived in and with a soft sigh he got up to get something to drink. The home on the outside didnt seem like much. It looked like a quaint little home with it's pale blue paint, white shutters and trim, and the cute little white pickit fence. The boy sat back down in frount of his laptop a monster in hand. he scrolls down a bit and smiled soon typeing away on his keybord. he had been on creigslist looking for a job and just had found one he might enjoy. It was to be a night gaurd at the new pizza place Nixie Lapis's. He had gotten a email almost exsactly after he sent his saying he had gotten the job and their would be no intervew required. It did says though he needed to come down to the pizza place to explore and pick up his uniform. He got up and put his shoes on at the door and went out walking the pizza place witch was a mile from his home. he humms looking around greeting evryone and smileing. Once he arrived and walked in he sdmiled seeing all the children playing around and haveing fun in the pizza place waching the bots head down to interact with the kids. he explored first then asked an employe were the office was. Once geetting the directons he walks down the hall past the candy cove peeking in to see children playing in the ball pit and the robot doing a treasure hunt. he kept walking down the hall and made a left once he hit the staff break room and the day care center were 3 bots and 8 adults were their waching over kids 3 and under. he finely hit the last hall were their were 4 doors. storege, suplys, spare parts, and office. he knocks on the door and enters when he heard no awnser. No one was their but on the desk layed his new uniform. Black dress like shoes, Dark blue pants, a simple pale purpple button up with lucy lapis night wach on it, a cop hat with lapis night gaurd and a small lucy head on it as decoration, a flash light, a key ring and finely, a shiney metal badge that had Mike Smith on it, his name. he picks up the uniform and acsesorys and headed out to reast up for that night and buy pleanty of rockstars and monsters.

Night 1 12:00 A.M. (mikes P.O.V)

As I aproch I was honestly nervous. This place was so terrafying at night. Something seemed so so hypnotizeing. . . paralyzeing. . . and terrafying all in one! I took out my keys and unlocked the frount walking in and locking up once the guy who had day shift left. I walked down the hall i remembered from this morning and entered my office putting down my bag of junkfood and monsters. I took a lance around noticeing the posters of all the robots they used over time up untill now. I also noticed a old cork bord that had drawings the kids had made of the bots and their day at lucys. . . heh cute. . . someone drew lucy with that bonnie bot at freddy fazbears. I sit down in the swivle seats and take not of the door and light buttons on my desk and a sit back only to jump as the phone rings. I look around for the phone and after eight rings a heard a beep and a message began playing. " h-hello? hello hello? ummm im alex night and im calling up to leave you some advice. The bots here wander at night and if they see you. . .they will stuff you in the old gem anamontronic suits. Please be carefull and shut the doors when they are neer. the camaras will show you were they are unless they get into your office or are outside your doors the only lbindspots am i right. They start to wander at one so im going to let you go." the message anded and i no longer had to hear the female sounding teens voice. I took a look at the camras and jump seeing the bvots looking at me. the cammra gose out and comes back after a bit and lucy was the first to move. Panicking i flip through all the camaras finding her at candy shore with vixy. 'What have i gotten myself into' i think and flip through. it was a stressfull 5 hours so far. One more hour and im good to go. I think only to let out a scream as i was grabbed by none other than lucy herself. It was 5:59 and i was praying to god i made it. I flash my flash light in the bots faace causeing it to drop me and i grabbed my stuff and ran to the front door unlocking it and takeing off. I had survived my first night. I had 6 more to go

Night 2 12:00 A.M.

I lay in bed that morning unable to fall asleep. I couldn't. Not with what happened on my first night. It was wensday. Today would be night 2. I turn onto my side thinking, waiting, and just plain unable to get in a good posisoin. 'What if they HAD gotten me? What if i WAS stuffed into one of the old suits? What if i Didn't have my flashlight?' i think all these things over falling into a uneasy sleep. My unconshous mind was pleauged with nightmares of those bots. They were chaseing me. It was like i was reliveing night 1. I wake out of my sleep to a rapping on my Apartment door. I get up and peek through the spy hole in the door shocked to see it was Fritz schmit my cousain. I open up and he walks in and ploips down his eyes big and his whole body trembleing. We began talking about work and it went a little like this.

Fritz: " so hows work at Nixiies i heard they got bots better than ours at freddys?"
Me: " not realy. Kids seem to think though itd be cute if nixiie and bonnie were a p[air."
Fritz: "Oh? Heh. Funny you say that. Our boss over at freddys wants to sell bonnie to your boss."
Me: " Is that so?"
Fritz: *cell phone rings* " Hold up i got to take this" he picked up his cell and walked outside. When he came back in he was frowning. " sorry couz i gotta go my boss said ill be doing day shift now."

We hugged before he left and it left me wondering. 'If he buys it dose that mean another bot will be afterr me?' unable to go back to sleep i make myself something to eat and sit on my couch flipping the T.V. onto the cartoons that would be playing. It was some new show called Steven Universe. After one or two episodes i got up and washed the dishes that had been pileing up in my sink. All day i had been doing chores to take my mind off the terrors that would await me tonight at work. A hour before my shift i walked down to the local gas station and bout a few monsters a pack of slim jims a few things of chips and a watter bottle. paying for it all i went home and packed it all into my messanger bag and changed into my uniform and went to the pizzaria. I wont lie. I was scared out of my mind. I mean here i am a young man of 20 and im working at a place were i could die any hour. It was horrafying that they would even hire a boy my age. As i walk in i was shuddering seeing lucy waching me malice in her green eyes. 'no robots cant feel im just a little nervous after the other day. Yha. That's all.' I think trying to calm myself down. I sit down in my office placeing my bag by me and i jump hearing the phone agian. I couldnt find it. Once agian it was that girly sounding boy Alex. "H-hello? Wow night 2. I i hope you last. Ummm i better warn you. The bots become more active as the nights progress and they get more. . . agressive. The building is saveing money now so you got a limited source of power so hehe use it wisely." the phone message stoped and with a concerned look i atomaticly pick up the camaras and cheak the bots. My heart slowed as i found lucy was hideing in the game room with the vixy bot. 'Okay calm down. I need to keep calm to survive the night.' i think and as the night progressed i survived. I walked out and let out a huge sigh. I had survived night 2 at nixxie's.

Night 3

I'm almost done with my first week at nixxies's. I plan to quit as soon as I can. Im just afriad to quit to soon. I know my life's at risk here but I have no choice. If I quit to soon I wont get payed. Minimum wage is 3.10 $ an hour. At the end of the week ill get my cheak for $ 173.50 dollars. I bout my normal amout of monsters and junk food and sat down starting night 3 in this hell of a place. 'oddd no phone call tonight not even a message.' Tonight i know something was worng. no gaurd worked on weekends but sceince i started on thurseday i had no choice. I was afraid the bots wernt moveing at all. With a gulp i scream as i see a golden rabbit suit hunched over in frount of me. It had dark eyes with no light to them at all, the golden fur was in a state of rotting and it reeked of roten flesh and old blood. I almost vomit up the monster i had been drinking and i gulp waching as it stood up slowly and began walking twords me. Thats were i made my first mistake. I RAN, I-I ran that was a mistake. the suit began to run after me a demonic growl pouring out of its throat like it was some sort of demon. I kept running shooting out the frount door and running home all my stuff in my back pack. I i hoped it wouldnt follow me home.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2015 ⏰

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