Auntie Twilight

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Dear Princess Celestia,

         I'm coming back to Canterlot, I can't handle it here in Ponyville any more. The memories of them always haunt me. It's almost as if I can hear them. My home is so ghostly and bleak now with Spike gone. I can not go on living in this once vibrant town any longer. Not without my friends, not without the magic...

     So I shall take up residence with you and Princess Luna. You two are the only ones I have left, the only ones I can talk openly to. You're the only ones that can help me forget what I've lost. I've learned so much about friendship here, but now it's a place of long dead memories of happiness. I apologize for my attitude princess. See you soon,

                                                                                                                     Your Faithful Student,

                                                                                                                                                    Twilight Sparkle.

I wake up in a cold sweat, I've grown accustom to this. It's been happening for the past years of my life. I know why but I don't, I can't acknowledge the true reason. I just shrug it off as a lack of sleep. But that's not true. I get up despite it only being four o'clock in the morning, I don't care about time any more. My sleeping pattern has been abnormal for years, why change it now? I go past the same books on the shelves everyday, but somehow it's always different. I've grown older mentally from the years of hurt. As if the pure memory of those days is aging my mind. It torments me, I'm immortal but am I? 

I'm packing my things when there's a knock on my door, a light rapping sound, almost that of a filly. I teleport down to the front door and open it. 

"Hello?" I look around but see nopony. But something is amiss. I step outside and look around, seeing nothing I turn to go back inside, only to be met with a familiar pink pony. She giggles and bounces away. I'm speechless at first. This can't be...She isn't possible.. But somewhere in my mind I knew I had to try. I unfolded my wings and chased after the hyper pink mare, but she was always ahead. I chased her to the front of Sugar Cube Corner. I had to say something.

"Pinkie Pie!" I could feel the tears well as the pink mare that was once my best friend turn to thin air, she wasn't ever there, just my mind playing tricks on me. I couldn't help it, I had to leave Ponyville.

I flew home as fast as I possibly could, passing ponies that looked at me in awe, some bowed. I could only do my best to fight the tears as I slammed my door shut. Why did they have to go? Why didn't I save them? I knew that it would break the natural order of things, but they were my friends! I watched them all die, all of them seeing me and my dumb wings just before they left this world. It was a terrible thing to have on your conscious, knowing that you had everything you needed to keep your best friends alive, but knowing you can not. I was angry at myself, but sad with my life. I was a princess, ponies bowed to me, I had a fan club and a constant flow of gifts and cards but I wasn't happy. It wasn't because I was arrogant, it was because I was lonely. I have so many ponies that loved me, idolized me but I didn't have any friends. Not any more. The closest thing to a friend I have is princess Luna. Celestia will always be my mentor, no matter what. She's more of a mother to me nowadays. Ever since my parents passed she sort of took over as my mother. I miss my own but Tia does her best and I love her for it. Politics in recent years have been quiet and Celestia has sent me countless letters asking for me to come and live at the castle with her and Luna. At the time I was a grieving mess, I didn't answer her summons, didn't even send a letter back. I feel terrible about it but now that I am finally going, I promised myself that I'd make it up to her.

I finally packed my things in two saddlebags before setting off for the trainstation. I noticed the birds were singing a melodious tune. But I quickly shunned the song, for it reminded me too much of Fluttershy. She was so sweet, I can't believe she had to go. It was a beautiful ceremony though. She asked me to cover her body in flower petals and even taught me how to orchestrate the birds in a solemn song of passing. I could only listen and obey to her dying wishes. I would never in a million years let my friends down. Fluttershy was so peaceful when she passed. The funeral was beautiful and did the mare justice. It seemed as if the animals were quiet that day, as if to mourn the loss of their former caretaker. They loved her as much as I did. I still remember how beautiful she looked, all covered in flowers. She even had on a tiara of sticks and grasses. But that's enough of that, I have enough problems on my mind to bring back the hurt of losing her.

I got to the train station early, early enough to get an odd look from the ticket master. I bought a one way ticket to Canterlot but he didn't make me pay. One of the many perks of being me, yay.

I got on the train quickly, not even acknowledging the ticket master's bow. I didn't intend to be rude but I had to leave as quickly as I could have. During the train ride to Canterlot I sat and looked out the window at my home as it slowly faded into the distance. There wasn't a whole bunch of ponies riding to Canterlot at six in the morning and that was a good thing. That was just the thing I needed, some random stallion or mare trying to befriend me. I don't have time for friends anymore.

It's about seven when my train finally reaches it's stop. I trot out of the car, wanting to get to the castle. The streets were just beginning to become populated by ponies on their daily errands. I didn't have the time to be noticed so I took to the sky. Oh how I hate these wings. It's not that I don't like flying, quite the contrary, I loved it. Even though I didn't do much of it anymore now that my flying buddy was gone. I finally landed on the balcony of the western tower of the castle, my mentor's bedroom. I walked inside without breaking my gait.

"Princess?" I looked around her room but the sun goddess was no where to be found. I quickly galloped to the door to the hallway looking for my mentor. "Celestia?" Still no response. I was beginning to worry when I saw the tall white alicorn come into view from the staircase. She was wearing that familiar smile that I've missed all these years. I couldn't help but tear up and fly into her awaiting embrace. I closed my eyes and cried as I hugged her, she nuzzled my head.

"Princess! I've missed you so much."

"Please Twilight, call me by my name." Her voice was aged from what it used to be, but it still had the warmth and inviting tone that she had always had. "I'm happy that you finally responded to my summons."

"I'm truly sorry prince- Tia. I was just um..busy." I smiled as if I thought that my lie would pass. Of course it didn't.

"Oh Twilight, I can see the hurt in your eyes. You can tell me what you are feeling you know." I looked at her, my eyes wet with tears of joy but they soon turned to tears of despair as I started sobbing into her mane. She instinctively held me tightly, understanding my pains as I cryed. I knew she loved me like her daughter, and she knew how I loved her like I had my own mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2013 ⏰

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