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Dear diary,
I made a new flower crown today.
Outside of our neighbours yawn, there are flowers. Bright blue, beautiful flowers.

They reminded me of the pretty boys eyes yesterday. So I made them into a flower crown. And I wore them to school.

At school, the pretty boy spoke to me. In the hallway.
He said he liked my flower crown, and then he touched my curls. Saying they were very pretty.

I said he was pretty. I didn't mean to. I'm very bad at stopping my words. I have word vomit sometimes. I started stuttering after and I wanted to crawl away, he must have noticed because he grabbed my hand.

This made me smile and I giggled then I said 'oops'.
He replied with 'hi' and laughed.
His laugh is very pretty. Just like him. Pretty.

Then he said my nickname should be 'curly'.
His voice was smooth and low. I want to hear him talk more. I want to hear his voice more. It's so pretty. Just like him.

I didn't learn his name.
I didn't ask. I'm sure he would only laugh.

Of course I want to hear him laugh. But I don't want to hear him laugh at me. It would hurt. Too much.

Mother didn't touch me today. She didn't come home. I'm not worried though.

-Curly xx

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