The Revenge page 1 INTRODUCTION

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     The year is 2059 and war is going on in FORGE WORLD and it is red vs. blue like crazy but I am afraid that the war will collapse and a new war will begin.  Question is that what is the new type of enemy that will soon attack. Well let's stop talking about questions and get down to the real business. Well I think that this is not spartan or covenant.  CAPTIN OUR ENGINES ARE ABOUT TO BLOW UP!!!!

     Well let's get back to the action now. Hold on the ancient ones can't break down this barrier if our main soldier can hold off the ancient ones. Okay I will escort the last civillians out of FORGE WORLD now. Look before you go I want to tell you how this all began. Well it started when we sent MASTER CHEIF and the ARBITER to blow up the third halo ring.

     After they blew it up it ALMOST not all but ALOMST all of the ancient ones (FLOOD) but the main part of the flood the GRAVEMIND (FLOOD KING can find him in halo 2 cutscene)  and he still rules the flood. So now he is made and he is making his revenge.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2013 ⏰

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