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I posted this about half a year ago on my Tumblr and figured why not post it here as well? ;) it's a short one-shot that was inspired by a photo I found on WeHeartIt once upon a time.

"Beth, I'm cold."

He's been whining like that for the past hour while she's been trying to cook some dinner. He sat down by the table and kept watching his beautiful girl doing wonders for dinner. And it's not like he didn't want help her, he did. It's just for some reason she didn't trust him in the kitchen after last time they cooked together (I mean come on! It wasn't his fault that she was wearing that black cropped top that someday will be the death of him, which caused their pizza to burn completely).

"Then go put a sweater on."

"But I'm good in my t-shirt. Besides you stole my favourite one and you're wearing it currently."

"Then stop complaining that you're cold."

She caught a glimpse of him staring at her. She couldn't help but blush. Even after six months of relationship she still reacted that way every time she saw him looking at her. It wasn't just his gorgeous blue eyes that kept looking at her as if she was the most precious thing in the entire universe, it was pure love that was there every time she looked him in the eye. They got together after DWTS ended, and have been in relationship for half a year now. Today's dinner? Well they were supposed to go out with her family but Derek has been running late all day with all of his errands and, well honestly she didn't fell like going out. Everyone deserves a slow and quiet evening once in a while.


"Yes Derek?"

"What's cooking?"

"A surprise."

"Is it warm?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course it's warm!"

"Will you hurry up? I'm cold and I want my BAEthany to share some of her hotness with me."

"Make yourself some tea, I need 30 minutes to finish."

"But that's too long!"

He can be such a drama queen sometimes but she loves him for that. She felt his strong arms wrap around her waist from behind. He put his head on her shoulder and once he saw that she didn't react, he started leaving small kissed all over her neck.

"Derek stop please. I'll ruin our food."

"No you won't. Not my fault I'm cold and you're so hot." His voice was muffled by her shoulder. Suddenly he twisted her so that they were facing each other.

"Oh I give up! Come here." She meant it as an invitation for a hug but he had another idea. He leaned down and kissed her - slow as if they had all the time in the world. She felt his cold hands sneak in under her shirt and jumped slightly.

"You've got cold hands!" She squealed.

"Babe I told you I was cold." He chuckled and kissed her again, this time more greedily as if he wanted to warm up by those kisses. After a while she felt him starting to take her (or rather his) sweater off so she automatically raised her arms up to help him. He took her by surprise because he didn't take it off. No, he put it on both of them. He cupped her face and kissed her sweetly.

"I love you, you know?"

"I love you too Derek but please tell me why are you stretching my sweater?"

"Technically it's mine. And I'm finally warm and content." He answered honestly and leaned down to capture her lips again.

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