The Scars still remain

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There was a little girl, and she was happy all through out most of elementary. But when she got into fourth grade, people would make fun of how she looked, but it wasn't bad. I mean things were still going really great for her, so she easily pushed it out of her way, that lasted up to sixth grade, that's when she matured, she wore makeup now, but she'd wear only dark colors. By that I mean, black and different shades of grey. She started dating, she didn't really like anybody too much either, so when they left her she didn't feel heart break. People would call her emo and remember her as the short Goth chick. It hurt when she heard it coming from her crush but she pushed it out of her way again. Finally she made it to seventh grade, She was nervous about the homework, she didn't realize that it wasn't the only thing she had to worry about. Like usual her family would tune her out when she tried to make them proud of her, and they'd bully her for fun. Beginning of the year, she had all her friends there to back her up and everything! She met so many new people, it was perfect for her. Until second term, she started getting bullied by people at school, and they'd do it through text, in person, through Facebook! She'd receive dirty looks in the hallways! She didn't make the best choices because of it. She hung out with druggies, but she wasn't a druggie, she didn't do drugs and she knew she never would. She started dating like crazy, because about a month before school had even started someone crushed her heart. It was the worst thing she ever experienced! But after awhile she noticed more about her family, her little sister would bully her too much, her parents started being way too hard on her and way too strict. They'd find her doing something she liked and then they'd make sure she didn't ever do it again. She finally had enough of that shit. She did self harm. The difference between self harmers, cutters and emo's are, emo's seek attention, cutters cut because it feels good for them, and self harmers find that's the only way to handle too much pain and stress. Her friends would notice and get onto her about it, she just said okay because they didn't understand. She didn't like explaining things to people because she felt like she'd be acting like an attention hog. She didn't like attention at all. When her moms friend Audri moved in, Audri noticed what they did to her. So her and Audri got along very well. She continued, but one day she lost it and threw her scissors that she used to cut herself at the wall, then picked them up and started cutting her face, neck and the usual wrist area. She was on the edge of committing suicide, with every step she'd get closer and closer. But she pulled her self out of the cold, black, empty room of depression, she pulled herself away from feeling lonely. She found herself again, and her friends were happy to finally see a real smile on her face. But even though she's happy now, depression is still creeping up on her. She still says to herself "A cut a day keeps the pain away." She still remains doing self harm as she claims "Once you start you can't go back." her family has been treating her worse, but she's fine with that. She made plans to move out when she gets the money for an apartment with her best friend. And my scars shall remain for awhile now. Even if they aren't too deep. Depression still creeps up with the idea of suicide every now and then, but right when it comes, it leaves immediately, knowing now what the true meaning of life is.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2013 ⏰

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