May 28, 2013
So Friday we had a school party and its tradition to alway be watch be a bother gypsy just to make sure you don't do any thing wrong well I lied to my mom saying that a gypsy friend was going so she could watch each other while she was in New York at a gypsy party where I was suppose to be. Well everyone who knows me will tell you I have to be watch at all times never to be left alone. Well when I told my gypsy friend that I was grinding on a gorger (non gypsy ) boy she slapped me. She was pissed all day that one I was still in school and two I grounded on a gorger.
You may be wondering why I'm in trouble for going to school it is a tradition to drop out at 6th grade. Yeah I'm a freshmen. We also can't go anywhere with out being watch by a gypsy and we have to marry at the age of 17. My life may be crazy but it gypsy crazy