A New Life (Chap. 6) (a witch love story)

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~~~Daren's P.O.V.~~~

I ended dropping her off after lunch; her aunt wanted her for something. I decided to just go home. "Hey ma, I'm home," I yelled as I entered the house.

"Hey Daren, how was your little outing?" as she said this, a wide smile spread across her face.

I blushed, I knew where this was heading, and I needed to change the subject. "Great. Hey, there was something I wanted your help with. Spare me a minute?"

"Sure, if you help me with the dishes." I nodded and followed him back into the kitchen. "So what do you need me for?" she asked as she handed me a towel.

"Is there someway to see the past? I can see the future just fine, I just don't know how to view events that have already happened."

"Hmm," as she thought, she rinsed the dishes and started to hand them to me. "There is a spell you could use, but you need to witches to do it, why do you ask?"

"I am beginning to believe that Katheren's- Lyn's niece-" I added for her benefit, "parents were killed by warlocks."

"What is your proof?"

"She was telling me what happened to them and when she said had very little left, and that included a necklace that was her mother's. She had the necklace on and when I looked at it, it had a protection spell on it. She said that her parents were killed in a fire, but this charm was more then powerful enough to save them from a fire. Then Katheren also said that she had an impending sense of doom before she left. So I believe that her parents were either attacked and killed by warlocks and then the warlocks burnt the proof or her parents killed the warlocks and then faked their own deaths to save their daughter's." I took a deep breath after my long explanation.

"Hmmm." We were done cleaning the dishes so she started to put them away, fluttering around the kitchen as she thought. "I think that you could be right, but if you are then you will need to look after her."

I smiled at an excuse to be near Katheren. "Sure."

"But we should still should check it out, get out our 'livre de sorts."

'Livre de sorts' is French for 'spell book' since everyone in our family uses ancient French as our magical language, we also use French regularly around the house and have French names for specific things. I ran upstairs, grabbed the thick, old book and gave it to my mom, who was now sitting on the couch.

"Hmm, let me see," she mumbled as she flipped though page after page, "Oh, here it is." I sat down beside her and looked over her shoulder.

I frowned, "That looks very complicated, and I don't even understand half of that."

My mother smiled. "I never said that you had to understand it, just be able to say it. Here, repeat after me." She started the complicated spell and I copied her. "There, do you see that?" she asked as an orb started to appear in front of us.

I nodded. Then people started to appear within the bright, white orb and a house emerged behind them. Then I recognized one of the three figures, "Katheren," I gaped. And it was her, just a few years younger, and a lot... happier? I smiled.

"She is quite beautiful, isn't she?"

"Yes, she is," I agreed whole-heartedly. But, before I could continue, the Katheren in the... vision... I guess I could call it that... interrupted me.

"Mom, are you sure that you guys are okay with me going? I mean what will you guys eat?" she added with a smile.

"Its fine honey," her dad answered. "Just go, we'll be fine." Then suddenly, Katheren doubled over and grabbed her stomach. "Kates are you alright?" he panicked as he ran over and grabbed her shoulders to keep her from falling over.

"I-I'm fine, I just had a-a dizzy spell." She muttered standing erect again. "Are you guys sure that you'll be fine?"

"We should be asking you that."

Then a car pulled up to the drive and beeped once. "I got to go, bye!" and with that, Katheren picked up her bag and ran into the car. Her parents waved until the car was out of view, then they turned and entered the house.

"So when do you plan on telling her?" he asked her as he sat on the couch and wrapped his arms around her.

She sighed. "I should tell her soon, but she might not even be a witch. She could take after you."

"Or, she takes after you and our daughter is a witch, she deserves to know. You should tell her when she gets back. She needs to know so she can protect herself, it's her birth right."

She sighed again. "Okay I will." Then suddenly, her head whipped around, "Did you hear that?"

"No," he mumbled.

But she stood up anyway. "Warlocks," she hissed. Then the wall burst in and the orb faded.

My mother gasped. "You were right, but we don't know if they were actually killed or if they got away like you suggested. But none the less, you must protect her, do not let her out of your sight; teach her spells if you must."

"But how?" I asked, "She doesn't even know that she is a witch. How would I tell her who she is?"

"You'll find a way Daren, you always do. But be careful," she stressed.

"I will ma."

"Oh, and Daren, don't forget, your father and I are leaving tomorrow for our trip to Hawaii."

"Okay. Have fun at work," I smirked.

"Ha-ha, bye." She kissed my forehead and left.

I groaned. How would I tell Katheren what she is?

[Author's note: this chapter was supposed to be an intro to some magic, I hoped it made sense, I know it could seem a little confusing...]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2009 ⏰

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