Chapter 1

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Adaline pov

Big event. Many people. Small space. Calls for anxiety. My names Adaline Swift but everyone around here just calls me Ada and yes I am Taylor Swifts sister. That comes with advantages and disadvantages. Advantages being I get to travel the world over summer break if she's on tour and disadvantages being in situations like this. You see Taylor knows a lot of people so if we do anything it's always big with many people, now i suffer from social anxiety and big events are never good for me. Although I try my best to stay calm at age 10 it's never really easy. So when I find myself in a small room with so many people around and not being able to see anyone I know, I begin to panic. I try taking deep breathes as I walk round trying to spot my mom or Taylor as they are both the only family members at this event. I spend about 10minutes trying to find them but I can't. My hands begin to shake and I begin to sweat. Luckily this event is taking place in Taylor's Nashville home so I know my way around. I slowly leave the room and go into the small lounge. Luckily there is no one there as I sink in the corner bringing my legs up to my chest and hiding my face in them. My breathing becomes uneven as tears spill out of my eyes, I soon find it hard to breathe and I'm gasping for air. Time moves slowly as I rock myself back and fourth in the corner. I hear the door creak open but don't dare look up. As I know whoever it is has a hard stare on me probably thinking how weird I am. I hear the door close and footsteps come closer, and I can't help the sob that escapes my mouth as I begin to shake even more and I am once again gasping for air.

Taylor's pov

I was talking to some people from my label as I was holding a 13th year anniversary of the start of this label being created. I was chatting okay but keeping my eyes looking around trying to find Ada as I knew she never did well at these sort of things. When I couldn't find her I excused my self from the conversation. I searched the room twice before I decided she must've gone to another room to avoid the social gathering. I climbed the stairs up to my room and checked there but she wasn't anywhere to be seen. I then checked the small lounge as I knew she sometimes went there to vent. I slowly opened the door and that's where I saw her. My baby sister sitting in the corner rocking back and fourth. I shut the door quietly as I knew she wouldn't want anyone else to see her this way. As I did this and walked closer to her a sob left her mouth and her whole body shook as her breathing became more uneven. I sat next to her and put my arm around her. At this she stiffened.

"Shh, baby girl it's just me, you're okay" I soothed pulling her close to me.

"Tay-lor" she cried climbing onto my lap and clinging onto the straps of my dress

"I've got you, you're okay" I said holding her tight

"I-I ca-ca-nt brea-br-br" she tried to say gasping

I caught onto what she was saying and coaxed her through it " follow me, in for five" I said beginning to count as she tried " good girl, now out for five" I said doing it with her.

She slowly began to calm down until there were just little sniffles.

"You're okay" I said kissing the top of her head, as I rubbed my hand up and down her back.

"Don't go" she whispers snuggling into me

"Never" I reply "but we should get back out there" as I say this she stiffens up again. "I'll be with you the whole time okay I'll hold your hand and when you feel it's to much just give it a squeeze okay?" I ask

She nods" I love you"

"I love you more" I say kissing her head and standing up. I hold out my hand for her as she takes it and follows me out of the room as if nothing had ever happened. I keep her close to me as I begin to make conversation with different people. At one point there's a big cheer from the beer pong table and I notice Ada flinch and grab onto my hand tighter, signaling she wasn't comfortable. I wrap my arm round her shoulders as she hides her face into my side. The person I'm talking to notices this and takes a quick glance at her, as I run my fingers through her hair.

"She's just tired" I state "she's had a long day" at this Ada knows where talking about her and tenses, snuggling into me further it's impossible to get closer.

The lady I was talking to excuses herself to get a drink and I take this opportunity to talk to Ada.

"Hey" I say looking down at her as I run my fingers through her hair.

"Yeah" she whispers barley audible above the music playing.

"Do you wanna go upstairs and head to bed, I can tell mom to pick you up tomorrow" I tell her noticing how clingy she was during my conversation.

"Can I sleep in your bed?" She asks

I nod as I know she's had a rough night.

"Will you tuck my in?" She says looking up at me

I nod again and lead her towards the stairs and up into my bedroom. When we get there I bring out one of my old t-shirts and joggers she can use as pjs for the night. She goes into the bathroom to change and when she comes out she slides into the side of the bed I tend to sleep in. I smile at her as I pull the covers over her.

"I love you" she yawns

"I love you more" I say pressing a kiss on her forehead.

She rolls onto her side as I get up and dim the lights before closing the door quietly and heading down stairs.


Hello well this is the first part to saving Ada vote and comment for part 2

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