They always say to victims of violence or crime, etc. to start at the beginning, but my story isn't about any of that; it's about finding myself.
You see from a young age I always thought girls were beautiful. I would look at them in magazines and think 'wow, she's incredible.' And just be in awe of what was in front of my eyes. I did have crushes on boys in my younger years, but as I got older I got less interested when a boy had a crush on me. So I went about my days, playing and having fun like any child shoolduld.
Around grade 5 I had a boyfriend, but hey, this was grade 5. We didn't go on dates or anything we just held hands in the school yard and told people we were "dating," but we weren't really. I did like him, but I never imagined myself dating him. So at the end of grade 5 I "dumped" him per say, and I didn't really care, but he was upset.
Now grade 5 was also my awkward year. I cut my hair short to a pixie cut, and started wearing more masculine clothing. My mom was always trying to get me to wear a pink dress or something, to which I would always reply with a disgusted face, but eventually she decided it was just a faze, and indeed it was. I got over it eventually but I still never dress very girly.
Anyways grade 6 came around and that was probably the worst year of my life. I don't know why but all the boys bullied me so much. I have not forgotten all the things they said and did to me, and I probably never will. Grade 6 was also the best year of my life because I got to leave. My school only went from grades preK-6, so that meant a grade 6 graduation. I wore a really pretty cream white knee short dress that was on sale for $10 at H&M kids. But I liked it no matter the price so that was that. I won a French award, and sat beside where Haley Irwin would have sat (she passed away a month before). And you know what, I was happy that day, the first time that whole year.
At the end of the night all the grade 6's were crying even though they would see each other at Calvin Park, but not me. I was all smiles. Mostly because I wouldn't be going to Calvin park. Me, Celeste, and Lydia (my three best friends at the time) were going to Vanier, a French immersion school. We all agreed that learning better French would be good for us.