Chapter 1 okay so you read my other book right okay just make sure to teach you how to cook to cook when you make mashed potatoes and there's a note that says how long to cook it following at it for a couple more minutes do exactly what it tells you now I'm going to teach you how to make a cool treat that I like to use all you have to do is cut up carrots and salary and if you like your stuff dry then dry it out then mix it and mix it and mix it then have a healthy snack chapter 2 going to teach you how to make something for lunch now a lot of you like meat and cheese so kind of some Bologna and cheese and mix it together think of something right off the bat to eat at lunch time ok now this is a book right and it was supposed to be about cooking but I want to tell you a little poem I like to call for kids to I know it might seem odd but it is true a meat or 2 will help you that's what they say I don't know if it's true do you ok now let me tell you a handshake this is how it goes ABC is easy as 1 2 3 my momma takes care of me while my daddy watches MTV oo oh I want a piece of pie to sweet I want a piece of meat meat to red I want to go to bed bed's not made I want some lemonade lemonades to school I want to go to school schools to nerdy I want to see the birdie he's too fat and that's the end of that now hope you guys like those back to cooking a lot of u know shopkins not like just throwing them in a bowl take your patience what I scream into a bowl vanilla then add chocolate and strawberry and mix them together then add chocolate on top then mix it around some more then add strawberry syrup and mix it you need caramel then mix it sorry about Iam saying mix it back to the ice cream then put it in the freezer for about an hour but something over it then let it frost out and you have a good desert happy cooking