I miss you (Sad Rp)

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Gender needed: guy

Age area: 17-20

Your mom dies after a long Battle with cancer but a couple days after her death you start to see her there. You have a gift and this gift allows you to spend more time with your mother in her after life. You can feel her, touch her and talk to her as if she was alive but this comes with a cost. You must tell the story of the giraffes to the moon every night with your mother and if you don't you'll never see her again. The only thing is you can only be with her in the house where you grew up in.

Story of the Giraffes:

One day a momma giraffe and a baby giraffe was near a water hole.

This water hole was the only water hole left after the drought, no other animals knew about it accept for the momma giraffe and baby giraffe.

That all changed when a lion and his pack came along and seized the water hole for themselves.

The giraffes were in need of water and the lions wouldn't let them have a drink ever again.

Momma giraffe knew her baby would die without water and risked her life to get some from the greedy lions.

She ran over and took a hug gulp of it keeping it in her mouth but as she tried to escape the lions brutally attacked her but she escaped.

She limped over to her baby and gave him the water from her mouth before she dropped to the ground.

She was hurt badly and was loosing a lot of blood, knowing she wasn't going to make it she kissed her baby and held him close "just know I'll always love you" she said before dying.

The baby giraffe alone with no mother had to know fend for himself but thanks to his mother's sacrifice he grew up and had a family of his own.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2015 ⏰

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