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Yuna P.O.V
"Yuna, time to get up!" I heard my brother, Namjoon, yell from down stairs. I sat up and got out of bed, but I knew I had to got to school, but I call it Hell. I went down stairs after I brushed my teeth and got dressed. "Yuna, you're just on time for breakfast." My mother said. "Mom, did dad already go to work?" I asked. "Yes, he left early this morning." She said. My father is the owner of a big company. I don't get to see him often, but when I do my brother, my father and I spend the whole day together. Namjoon sat beside me and started eating. "Hurry up you two, or you'll be late." Mom said. We both hurried and then put our plates in the sink. "Bye Mom." We both said then left. "Yuna." Namjoon said in a serious tone. "Yeah, what's wrong?" I asked. "Is everything okay in school?" He asked. "Yeah." I simply said. "Are you sure, you don't talk to me as much as you use to." He said. "I'm fine." I said. We finally got to school, well I finally got to school. Me and Namjoon go to different schools, I'm in my first year of middle school and he's in his first year of high school. "Bye Yuna, have a nice day." Namjoon said. "You too." I said. We waved goodbye. I walked into the school and headed to class before my bullies got to me. "Oh Yuna." A familiar voice called down the hall behind me. I started walking faster, but a hand grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. "Yuna, why're you trying to run away from me?" Remy, my bully, asked, pretending to sound hurt. "I wasn't trying to run away, I just didn't hear you." I said. I'm really scared right now. "Liar." She said then punched me in the stomach. I was about to scream in pain, but she covered my mouth. She continued to punch me in the stomach until she got bored. "Why do you even come to school, no one likes you, if you just disappeared, no one would notice, so do us a favor and disappear." Remy said while kicking me in the stomach. "Bye." She said then left. I waited until she was out of site before I got up.

Namjoon P.O.V
It was lunch time and I saw my friends walk over to my desk. "Let's go Namjoon." Yoongi said with a smile. I nodded, then we headed to the roof. While we we're eating and talking, I had a bad feeling in my gut, but I don't know how to describe it. "Hey Namjoon, you alright?" Yoongi asked. "Yeah... hey, I'm going to skip the rest of school today, just give the notes tomorrow." I said, then got all of my stuff and left before any if them could speak. I walked to the park and saw, Yuna sitting on the bench. "Yuna!" I yelled. She raised her head and I saw that she was crying. I ran to her, and knelt down in front of her. "Yuna, why're you crying?" I asked her. "It's nothing, I'm fine." She said. "Stop lying to me!" I yelled at her. "Fine, I'm being bullied and I can't take anymore, everyday being hit and being told that no one cares about me, I can't take it anymore, I wish I was never born that way I don't have to feel this pain anymore!" Yuna yelled and broke down crying. I walked over to her and hugged her. "It's okay, I'm glad you told me." I said rubbing her back. We sat under a tree that dad, Yuna and I sit under whenever we have a picnic. "Yuna." I said. "Yes." She says. "Thank you for telling me you we're being bullied." I said. She didn't say anything, instead I heard soft snoring.

Yuna P.O.V
I woke up the next day and saw I was in Namjoon's room. I got up and took a shower and got dressed for school. I wasn't really hungry this morning so just ate some bread. Me and Namjoon walked to school like always and I headed to class. Before I could make it to class, someone pulled me through a door. When they released me, I saw I was outside. I saw Remy and two other girls holding bats. "So you came to school again?" Remy asked. "You do know that just because your father is important, doesn't make you important, right?" Remy asked then laughed, so did the other girls. I tried walking towards the door, but one if the girls hit me in the back with a bat. "No one said you could leave." Remy said then they we're kicking me and hitting me with their bats. By the time they we're done, I was crying. "This is my last time saying this Yuna, stop coming to school cause I'm done being nice." She said. She kicked one last time, then they left. I got up and was glad they didn't break any of my bones, but it hurt so bad. I didn't go to class, I just went back home. When I got home, I sat on my bed screaming.
Author P.O.V
Yuna held her head in her hands, shaking violently. The rude comments and remarks people sat about her every single day, plagued her mind. "Leave me alone!" She screams banging her head against the wall, begging the voices to leave her alone, but the voices don't listen. They continue to grow louder and louder. All Yuna does is scream and beg over and over again until she breaks. When Yuna broke, she got her razor blade from her drawer, that she kept just in case. She presses the blade against her skin and pulls. She cries because of this pain, but it's nothing compared to the pain she feels everyday. "This world is so cruel to weak people like me. No one listens to weak people." Yuna mumbled to herself as she pulled the blade again but deeper this time. When she pulled again for the third time, it cut a vein in her arm. Yuna screamed really loud this time. Namjoon heard the scream and ran to Yuna's room. "Yuna, what's wrong, open the door Yuna!" Namjoon yells. There was no response so he kicked down the door and saw Yuna's on the floor and blood oozing from her wrist. "Yuna!" Namjoon yells running of to Yuna's life less body. He picked her up and telling her to wake up, but she wouldn't. "Mommy, mommy!" Namjoon yells. Mrs.Kim, their mother, hears Namjoon calling her. She knows Namjoon doesn't say mommy, unless he is scared, and doesn't know what to do, so she hurries to Namjoon, but only to see her son holding her daughter's body crying. "Oh my God!" She yells putting her hand over mouth as tears fill her eyes.

(Time skip, two days later)
Namjoon couldn't get over the fact that Yuna was dead. He woke up, and changed into his uniform. He didn't eat breakfast, he just left and head towards Yuna's school. He walked into the school and went to Yuna's class room. He saw a desk with his sister's picture on it, with flowers on it. "You all killed her, but you all sit hear like nothing is wrong!" Namjoon yelled. Namjoon lost it. He was knocking over desks asking why she was dead, why they killed her. "I don't see what the big deal is." Remy. This made Namjoon mad. He walked over Remy and pushed her against the wall by the neck and choked her. "The big deal is that she is dead, and I won't get to see her grow up, and there for her when she needs it! That's the big deal!" Namjoon yell. A teacher finally came in and pulled Namjoon off of Remy. Someone called the police. When the police came, they took him away and called his parents. His parents came and bailed him out.

(Two years later)

Namjoon P.O.V
I woke up and brushed my teeth. I sat on my bed, until a nurse came in. "Namjoon, it's time to take you medicine." She said coming in with her tray. She gave me a pill and a cup of water. "So, how did you sleep?" The nurse asked me, but she was loud. "Shh, Yuna is still asleep, I don't want to wake her up." I said. "Oh, I'm sorry." She apologized. "It's okay since she's still asleep, and I slept well last night, thank you for asking." I said. "That's good." The nurse said then left. An hour later the same nurse came in again. "Namjoon, you have a visitor." She said. "Really?" I asked. She nodded. I smiled. "Come on Yuna, let's see who is visiting us." I said. I'm so excited. I saw the visitors we're my friends from school. "Hey, it's Namjoon." I heard Jin say. They all looked in my direction. I smiled and walked towards them. I pulled out a chair for Yuna, then I sat down my chair. "Namjoon, why did you pull out that chair if you we're going to sit in the other one?" Yoongi asked. "What are you talking about, Yuna is sitting in that chair." I said giving him a confused look. "Namjoon, Yuna is dead, she died two years ago." Hoseok said. "She's not dead, she's right here, can't you guys see." I said getting mad. "Can't you see, Yuna is gone, she has been for two years." Jimin said. I punched him in the face. The others held me back, then some of the nurses came in and knocked me out. When I woke up, Yuna was next to me, then she disappeared. "Yuna, Yuna! Where did you go comeback, please!"
Alright, so this was my very first one shot. I hope you enjoyed. I had a dream about this so I decided to make either a long story or a one shot. So I decided on a one shot, but I don't think it was good.

Oh yeah, for those who are reading my broken fan fiction, please vote, I feel like no one is reading it anymore. Please show me that you are reading it.
Anyway, Bye

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