Chapter 3

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I walked in the door to my house and heard a voice calling my name. It was coming from the kitchen. I set my bag down and slowly walked to the kitchen. I saw my mother. She was making dinner. It smelled so good. My mouth started to water.

"Hi hun, how was school today?" Mom said happily while stirring the mac&cheese.

"Good, I had a test today. I hope I'll pass it!" I replied.

"Oh, I'm sure you will sweetie," she said as she smiled at me. She rubbed my back how she normally does when I'm worried about something, or scared, and gave me a big hug. I loved my mom so much. She kissed my forehead and went back to cooking.

"Where's Jenna, mom?" I asked curiously.

"Outside with your sister, I believe," mom replied.

"Oh, Mind if I go out too?" I pleaded.

She smiled. "Of course Devin. Come back in in 15 minutes though. Dinner will be done, and your father will be back,'' she exclaimed.

"Okee, I'll do that!" Then, I ran outside.


"Over here!!" She yelled back from somewhere.

"Behind the house!" she yelled again.

I went back and there and they were sitting down talking.

"Suptsterss sissy's??" I said jokingly. I looked up and the sun was shining over us. There was not a cloud in the sky. They were sitting on the big tire swing we have in the backyard. It was tied up to the big oak tree that was swooping down. It made a great place for a nice shady spot. I walked over while itching my arm. Dumb mosquito's.

"Just sitting here talking about everything, Devin. Wanna join in?" Ariana asked.

"Sure, sure!" I sat down by them, and leaned on the big tree.

"Do you guys remember this over here?" Jenna asked dreamily. "We used to come out here when we were little to play hide-and-go-seek. Remember?" She added.

"Oh wow, that seems like it was centuries ago.." Ariana mumbled.

"Oh, and you would come out here and Jenna & I would push you on this tire swing, Devin," Ariana looked around the area.

"I remember that like it was yesterday," I sighed. I sat there remembering all the day's we would come out here and play for hours together. Jenna and Ariana started a conversation between themselves while I was thinking. I snapped back realizing what I was doing, and joined in again.

I talked with them for awhile until we heard dad's car drive in.

"DAD'S HOME!!" We all screamed in unison. We jumped up and ran inside the house.

"I'm glad I decided to come back here for summer break this year, mom! I missed you all so much!" Jenna excitedly ranted to mom. "I haven't seen dad in longer then you all," She added again.

"Us too honey ," Mom said. " Your dad loves you all." She paused and looked at each of us. "Don't ever forget that.

"Do I hear my kids in here?!" Dad shouted from the front door. He ran into the kitchen and grabbed my mom's waist. Mom leaned up on her tippy toes and kissed him.

Dad came up and gave Jenna & Ariana A hug. "I missed you so much," he said while looking at Jenna.

He walked up to me.

"Hey sport! how was school?"

"Great dad. Josh and Emonalee wanted me to tell you they said hi," I chuckled.

"Those are nice friends of yours," dad remarked. "So you want to go out and shoot some hoops before mom finishes dinner?" Dad inquired.

"Yeah! I need some practice anyway. I'm going to start playing basketball I think," I casually nodded.

"That sounds like some work there kiddo! But I'm sure you can do it," He smiled.

We played for awhile outside, and during talked about random things. After a bit we decided to go in.

"Good job son. You almost beat your old man out there!" Dad shouted while laughing. He walked inside the house.

"Haha, Watch out! next time I'll school you dad!" I practically yelled.

"Is that laughing I hear?" Mom giggled.

"Hmmm.. I don't know what she's talking about, do you Devin?" He sarcastically answered.

"C'mon everybody." Ariana said. "Dinner time."

We all sat down and started eating, and talking to each other. Laughing with food in our mouths, and making jokes.

This is perfect, I wouldn't change a thing.

I woke up, and felt tears on my face. Crying? Really? From a stupid dream? How pathetic of me. It was really a good dream. I got up and went to the bathroom to wash off my face from my girly crying. I looked in the mirror, and saw where he hit me on my face. It was really noticeable. I was really going to get teased about this at school. Ugh, not looking forward to that.

My stomach still hurt a little, but not as, much at it first did. It's just my face that hurt. My thoughts wandered as I walked back to my room slowly.

Mom, what if? Is that what is would have been like? She was so nice.. And pretty. She seemed like the perfect mom. I walked back to bed, and stared at the ground while I walked. The thoughts of that dream wouldn't leave me.

I stretched my arms out, and glanced at my arm. There was that giant cut. It wasn't there in the dream. Not one scar or bruise was. It seemed so real. I want to just go back to sleep and dream about it more. Jenna and Ariana were so nice to me too. They think I am an annoying pest normally.

I got up and checked my phone to see what time it was. 3:45 A.M. I decided I'd go back to sleep so I can get a lot of rest. I knew I'd be rudely awakened by Jack hole dad in the morning.

I climbed back in bed and fell back asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2013 ⏰

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